3 from xml.dom import EMPTY_NAMESPACE
5 from Tools.XMLTools import elementsWithTag, mergeText
10 print " " * i + str(x)
12 for n in x.childNodes:
19 # first we search in the current path
20 skinfile = file('data/skin.xml', 'r')
22 # if not found in the current path, we use the global datadir-path
23 skinfile = file('/usr/share/enigma2/skin.xml', 'r')
24 dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(skinfile.read())
28 def parsePosition(str):
30 return ePoint(int(x), int(y))
34 return eSize(int(x), int(y))
37 name, size = str.split(';')
38 return gFont(name, int(size))
43 return colorNames[str]
45 raise ("color '%s' must be #aarrggbb or valid named color" % (str))
46 return gRGB(int(str[1:], 0x10))
48 def collectAttributes(skinAttributes, node):
50 for p in range(node.attributes.length):
51 a = node.attributes.item(p)
53 # convert to string (was: unicode)
55 # TODO: proper UTF8 translation?! (for value)
56 # TODO: localization? as in e1?
59 skinAttributes.append((attrib, value))
61 def applySingleAttribute(guiObject, desktop, attrib, value):
64 if attrib == 'position':
65 guiObject.move(parsePosition(value))
66 elif attrib == 'size':
67 guiObject.resize(parseSize(value))
68 elif attrib == 'title':
69 guiObject.setTitle(value)
70 elif attrib == 'text':
71 guiObject.setText(value)
72 elif attrib == 'font':
73 guiObject.setFont(parseFont(value))
74 elif attrib == "pixmap":
76 if loadPNG(ptr, value):
77 raise "loading PNG failed!"
80 desktop.makeCompatiblePixmap(ptr)
81 guiObject.setPixmap(ptr)
82 # guiObject.setPixmapFromFile(value)
83 elif attrib == "valign":
86 { "top": guiObject.alignTop,
87 "center": guiObject.alignCenter,
88 "bottom": guiObject.alignBottom
91 print "valign must be either top, center or bottom!"
92 elif attrib == "halign":
95 { "left": guiObject.alignLeft,
96 "center": guiObject.alignCenter,
97 "right": guiObject.alignRight,
98 "block": guiObject.alignBlock
101 print "halign must be either left, center, right or block!"
102 elif attrib == "flags":
103 flags = value.split(',')
106 fv = eWindow.__dict__[f]
107 guiObject.setFlag(fv)
109 print "illegal flag %s!" % f
110 elif attrib == "backgroundColor":
111 guiObject.setBackgroundColor(parseColor(value))
112 elif attrib == "foregroundColor":
113 guiObject.setForegroundColor(parseColor(value))
114 elif attrib != 'name':
115 print "unsupported attribute " + attrib + "=" + value
118 print "widget %s (%s) doesn't support attribute %s!" % ("", guiObject.__class__.__name__, attrib)
120 def applyAllAttributes(guiObject, desktop, attributes):
121 for (attrib, value) in attributes:
122 applySingleAttribute(guiObject, desktop, attrib, value)
124 def loadSkin(desktop):
125 print "loading skin..."
133 skin = dom.childNodes[0]
134 assert skin.tagName == "skin", "root element in skin must be 'skin'!"
136 for c in elementsWithTag(skin.childNodes, "colors"):
137 for color in elementsWithTag(c.childNodes, "color"):
138 name = str(color.getAttribute("name"))
139 color = str(color.getAttribute("value"))
142 raise ("need color and name, got %s %s" % (name, color))
144 colorNames[name] = parseColor(color)
146 for windowstyle in elementsWithTag(skin.childNodes, "windowstyle"):
147 style = eWindowStyleSkinned()
149 for borderset in elementsWithTag(windowstyle.childNodes, "borderset"):
150 bsName = str(borderset.getAttribute("name"))
151 for pixmap in elementsWithTag(borderset.childNodes, "pixmap"):
152 bpName = str(pixmap.getAttribute("pos"))
153 filename = str(pixmap.getAttribute("filename"))
155 png = getPNG(filename)
158 desktop.makeCompatiblePixmap(png)
159 style.setPixmap(eWindowStyleSkinned.__dict__[bsName], eWindowStyleSkinned.__dict__[bpName], png)
161 for color in elementsWithTag(windowstyle.childNodes, "color"):
162 type = str(color.getAttribute("name"))
163 color = parseColor(color.getAttribute("color"))
166 style.setColor(eWindowStyleSkinned.__dict__["col" + type], color)
168 raise ("Unknown color %s" % (type))
170 x = eWindowStyleManagerPtr()
171 eWindowStyleManager.getInstance(x)
174 def readSkin(screen, skin, name, desktop):
177 # first, find the corresponding screen element
178 skin = dom.childNodes[0]
180 for x in elementsWithTag(skin.childNodes, "screen"):
181 if x.getAttribute('name') == name:
185 assert myscreen != None, "no skin for screen '" + name + "' found!"
187 screen.skinAttributes = [ ]
188 collectAttributes(screen.skinAttributes, myscreen)
190 screen.additionalWidgets = [ ]
192 # now walk all widgets
193 for widget in elementsWithTag(myscreen.childNodes, "widget"):
194 wname = widget.getAttribute('name')
196 print "widget has no name!"
199 # get corresponding gui object
201 attributes = screen[wname].skinAttributes = [ ]
203 raise str("component with name '" + wname + "' was not found in skin of screen '" + name + "'!")
205 collectAttributes(attributes, widget)
207 # now walk additional objects
208 for widget in elementsWithTag(myscreen.childNodes, lambda x: x != "widget"):
209 if widget.tagName == "applet":
210 codeText = mergeText(widget.childNodes).strip()
211 type = widget.getAttribute('type')
213 code = compile(codeText, "skin applet", "exec")
215 if type == "onLayoutFinish":
216 screen.onLayoutFinish.append(code)
218 raise str("applet type '%s' unknown!" % type)
222 class additionalWidget:
225 w = additionalWidget()
227 if widget.tagName == "eLabel":
229 elif widget.tagName == "ePixmap":
232 raise str("unsupported stuff : %s" % widget.tagName)
234 w.skinAttributes = [ ]
235 collectAttributes(w.skinAttributes, widget)
237 # applyAttributes(guiObject, widget, desktop)
238 # guiObject.thisown = 0
239 print screen.additionalWidgets
240 screen.additionalWidgets.append(w)