1 from Components.config import config, ConfigSubsection, ConfigSelection, ConfigPIN, ConfigText, ConfigYesNo, ConfigSubList, ConfigInteger
2 #from Screens.ChannelSelection import service_types_tv
3 from Screens.InputBox import PinInput
4 from Screens.MessageBox import MessageBox
5 from Tools.BoundFunction import boundFunction
6 from ServiceReference import ServiceReference
7 from Tools import Notifications
8 from Tools.Directories import resolveFilename, SCOPE_CONFIG
9 from enigma import eTimer
15 LIST_BLACKLIST = "blacklist"
16 LIST_WHITELIST = "whitelist"
23 def InitParentalControl():
24 global parentalControl
25 parentalControl = ParentalControl()
26 config.ParentalControl = ConfigSubsection()
27 config.ParentalControl.configured = ConfigYesNo(default = False)
28 config.ParentalControl.mode = ConfigSelection(default = "simple", choices = [("simple", _("simple")), ("complex", _("complex"))])
29 config.ParentalControl.storeservicepin = ConfigSelection(default = "never", choices = [("never", _("never")), ("5", _("5 minutes")), ("30", _("30 minutes")), ("60", _("60 minutes")), ("standby", _("until standby/restart"))])
30 config.ParentalControl.storeservicepincancel = ConfigSelection(default = "never", choices = [("never", _("never")), ("5", _("5 minutes")), ("30", _("30 minutes")), ("60", _("60 minutes")), ("standby", _("until standby/restart"))])
31 config.ParentalControl.servicepinactive = ConfigYesNo(default = False)
32 config.ParentalControl.setuppinactive = ConfigYesNo(default = False)
33 config.ParentalControl.type = ConfigSelection(default = "blacklist", choices = [(LIST_WHITELIST, _("whitelist")), (LIST_BLACKLIST, _("blacklist"))])
34 config.ParentalControl.setuppin = ConfigPIN(default = -1)
36 config.ParentalControl.retries = ConfigSubsection()
37 config.ParentalControl.retries.setuppin = ConfigSubsection()
38 config.ParentalControl.retries.setuppin.tries = ConfigInteger(default = 3)
39 config.ParentalControl.retries.setuppin.time = ConfigInteger(default = 3)
40 config.ParentalControl.retries.servicepin = ConfigSubsection()
41 config.ParentalControl.retries.servicepin.tries = ConfigInteger(default = 3)
42 config.ParentalControl.retries.servicepin.time = ConfigInteger(default = 3)
43 # config.ParentalControl.configured = configElement("config.ParentalControl.configured", configSelection, 1, (("yes", _("yes")), ("no", _("no"))))
44 #config.ParentalControl.mode = configElement("config.ParentalControl.mode", configSelection, 0, (("simple", _("simple")), ("complex", _("complex"))))
45 #config.ParentalControl.storeservicepin = configElement("config.ParentalControl.storeservicepin", configSelection, 0, (("never", _("never")), ("5_minutes", _("5 minutes")), ("30_minutes", _("30 minutes")), ("60_minutes", _("60 minutes")), ("restart", _("until restart"))))
46 #config.ParentalControl.servicepinactive = configElement("config.ParentalControl.servicepinactive", configSelection, 1, (("yes", _("yes")), ("no", _("no"))))
47 #config.ParentalControl.setuppinactive = configElement("config.ParentalControl.setuppinactive", configSelection, 1, (("yes", _("yes")), ("no", _("no"))))
48 #config.ParentalControl.type = configElement("config.ParentalControl.type", configSelection, 0, (("whitelist", _("whitelist")), ("blacklist", _("blacklist"))))
49 #config.ParentalControl.setuppin = configElement("config.ParentalControl.setuppin", configSequence, "0000", configSequenceArg().get("PINCODE", (4, "")))
51 config.ParentalControl.servicepin = ConfigSubList()
54 config.ParentalControl.servicepin.append(ConfigPIN(default = -1))
55 #config.ParentalControl.servicepin.append(configElement("config.ParentalControl.servicepin.level" + str(i), configSequence, "0000", configSequenceArg().get("PINCODE", (4, ""))))
57 class ParentalControl:
59 #Do not call open on init, because bouquets are not ready at that moment
61 self.serviceLevel = {}
62 #Instead: Use Flags to see, if we already initialized config and called open
63 self.configInitialized = False
64 #This is the timer that is used to see, if the time for caching the pin is over
65 #Of course we could also work without a timer and compare the times every
66 #time we call isServicePlayable. But this might probably slow down zapping,
67 #That's why I decided to use a timer
68 self.sessionPinTimer = eTimer()
69 self.sessionPinTimer.callback.append(self.resetSessionPin)
71 def serviceMethodWrapper(self, service, method, *args):
72 #This method is used to call all functions that need a service as Parameter:
73 #It takes either a Service- Reference or a Bouquet- Reference and passes
74 #Either the service or all services contained in the bouquet to the method given
75 #That way all other functions do not need to distinguish between service and bouquet.
76 if "FROM BOUQUET" in service:
77 method( service , TYPE_BOUQUET , *args )
78 servicelist = self.readServicesFromBouquet(service,"C")
79 for ref in servicelist:
81 method( sRef , TYPE_BOUQUETSERVICE , *args )
83 ref = ServiceReference(service)
85 method( sRef , TYPE_SERVICE , *args )
87 def setServiceLevel(self, service, type, level):
88 self.serviceLevel[service] = level
90 def isServicePlayable(self, ref, callback):
91 if not config.ParentalControl.configured.value or not config.ParentalControl.servicepinactive.value:
93 #Check if configuration has already been read or if the significant values have changed.
94 #If true: read the configuration
95 if self.configInitialized == False or self.storeServicePin != config.ParentalControl.storeservicepin.value or self.storeServicePinCancel != config.ParentalControl.storeservicepincancel.value:
96 self.getConfigValues()
97 service = ref.toCompareString()
98 if (config.ParentalControl.type.value == LIST_WHITELIST and not self.whitelist.has_key(service)) or (config.ParentalControl.type.value == LIST_BLACKLIST and self.blacklist.has_key(service)):
99 #Check if the session pin is cached and return the cached value, if it is.
100 if self.sessionPinCached == True:
101 #As we can cache successful pin- entries as well as canceled pin- entries,
102 #We give back the last action
103 return self.sessionPinCachedValue
104 self.callback = callback
105 #Someone started to implement different levels of protection. Seems they were never completed
106 #I did not throw out this code, although it is of no use at the moment
108 if self.serviceLevel.has_key(service):
109 levelNeeded = self.serviceLevel[service]
110 pinList = self.getPinList()[:levelNeeded + 1]
111 Notifications.AddNotificationWithCallback(boundFunction(self.servicePinEntered, ref), PinInput, triesEntry = config.ParentalControl.retries.servicepin, pinList = pinList, service = ServiceReference(ref).getServiceName(), title = _("this service is protected by a parental control pin"), windowTitle = _("Parental control"))
116 def protectService(self, service):
117 if config.ParentalControl.type.value == LIST_WHITELIST:
118 if self.whitelist.has_key(service):
119 self.serviceMethodWrapper(service, self.removeServiceFromList, self.whitelist)
120 #self.deleteWhitelistService(service)
122 if not self.blacklist.has_key(service):
123 self.serviceMethodWrapper(service, self.addServiceToList, self.blacklist)
124 #self.addBlacklistService(service)
125 #print "whitelist:", self.whitelist
126 #print "blacklist:", self.blacklist
128 def unProtectService(self, service):
130 #print "config.ParentalControl.type.value:", config.ParentalControl.type.value
131 if config.ParentalControl.type.value == LIST_WHITELIST:
132 if not self.whitelist.has_key(service):
133 self.serviceMethodWrapper(service, self.addServiceToList, self.whitelist)
134 #self.addWhitelistService(service)
136 if self.blacklist.has_key(service):
137 self.serviceMethodWrapper(service, self.removeServiceFromList, self.blacklist)
138 #self.deleteBlacklistService(service)
139 #print "whitelist:", self.whitelist
140 #print "blacklist:", self.blacklist
142 def getProtectionLevel(self, service):
143 if (config.ParentalControl.type.value == LIST_WHITELIST and not self.whitelist.has_key(service)) or (config.ParentalControl.type.value == LIST_BLACKLIST and self.blacklist.has_key(service)):
144 if self.serviceLevel.has_key(service):
145 return self.serviceLevel[service]
151 def getProtectionType(self, service):
152 #New method used in ParentalControlList: This method does not only return
153 #if a service is protected or not, it also returns, why (whitelist or blacklist, service or bouquet)
155 if (config.ParentalControl.type.value == LIST_WHITELIST):
156 if self.whitelist.has_key(service):
157 if TYPE_SERVICE in self.whitelist[service]:
161 elif (config.ParentalControl.type.value == LIST_BLACKLIST):
162 if self.blacklist.has_key(service):
163 if TYPE_SERVICE in self.blacklist[service]:
167 bLocked = self.getProtectionLevel(service) != -1
168 return (bLocked,sImage)
170 def getConfigValues(self):
171 #Read all values from configuration
172 self.checkPinInterval = False
173 self.checkPinIntervalCancel = False
174 self.checkSessionPin = False
175 self.checkSessionPinCancel = False
177 self.sessionPinCached = False
178 self.pinIntervalSeconds = 0
179 self.pinIntervalSecondsCancel = 0
181 self.storeServicePin = config.ParentalControl.storeservicepin.value
182 self.storeServicePinCancel = config.ParentalControl.storeservicepincancel.value
184 if self.storeServicePin == "never":
186 elif self.storeServicePin == "standby":
187 self.checkSessionPin = True
189 self.checkPinInterval = True
190 iMinutes = float(self.storeServicePin)
191 iSeconds = iMinutes*60
192 self.pinIntervalSeconds = iSeconds
194 if self.storeServicePinCancel == "never":
196 elif self.storeServicePinCancel == "standby":
197 self.checkSessionPinCancel = True
199 self.checkPinIntervalCancel = True
200 iMinutes = float(self.storeServicePinCancel)
201 iSeconds = iMinutes*60
202 self.pinIntervalSecondsCancel = iSeconds
204 self.configInitialized = True
205 # Reset PIN cache on standby: Use StandbyCounter- Config- Callback
206 config.misc.standbyCounter.addNotifier(self.standbyCounterCallback, initial_call = False)
208 def standbyCounterCallback(self, configElement):
209 self.resetSessionPin()
211 def resetSessionPin(self):
212 #Reset the session pin, stop the timer
213 self.sessionPinCached = False
214 self.sessionPinTimer.stop()
216 def getCurrentTimeStamp(self):
219 def getPinList(self):
220 return [ x.value for x in config.ParentalControl.servicepin ]
222 def servicePinEntered(self, service, result):
224 if result is not None and result:
225 #This is the new function of caching the service pin
226 #save last session and time of last entered pin...
227 if self.checkSessionPin == True:
228 self.sessionPinCached = True
229 self.sessionPinCachedValue = True
230 if self.checkPinInterval == True:
231 self.sessionPinCached = True
232 self.sessionPinCachedValue = True
233 self.sessionPinTimer.start(self.pinIntervalSeconds*1000,1)
234 self.callback(ref = service)
236 #This is the new function of caching cancelling of service pin
237 if result is not None:
238 Notifications.AddNotification(MessageBox, _("The pin code you entered is wrong."), MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR)
240 if self.checkSessionPinCancel == True:
241 self.sessionPinCached = True
242 self.sessionPinCachedValue = False
243 if self.checkPinIntervalCancel == True:
244 self.sessionPinCached = True
245 self.sessionPinCachedValue = False
246 self.sessionPinTimer.start(self.pinIntervalSecondsCancel*1000,1)
248 def saveListToFile(self,sWhichList):
249 #Replaces saveWhiteList and saveBlackList:
250 #I don't like to have two functions with identical code...
251 if sWhichList == LIST_BLACKLIST:
252 vList = self.blacklist
254 vList = self.whitelist
255 file = open(resolveFilename(SCOPE_CONFIG, sWhichList), 'w')
256 for sService,sType in vList.iteritems():
257 #Only Services that are selected directly and Bouqets are saved.
258 #Services that are added by a bouquet are not saved.
259 #This is the reason for the change in self.whitelist and self.blacklist
260 if TYPE_SERVICE in sType or TYPE_BOUQUET in sType:
261 file.write(str(sService) + "\n")
264 def openListFromFile(self,sWhichList):
265 #Replaces openWhiteList and openBlackList:
266 #I don't like to have two functions with identical code...
267 if sWhichList == LIST_BLACKLIST:
269 vList = self.blacklist
272 vList = self.whitelist
274 file = open(resolveFilename(SCOPE_CONFIG, sWhichList ), 'r')
275 lines = file.readlines()
278 self.serviceMethodWrapper(sPlain, self.addServiceToList, vList)
283 def addServiceToList(self, service, type, vList):
284 #Replaces addWhitelistService and addBlacklistService
285 #The lists are not only lists of service references any more.
286 #They are named lists with the service as key and an array of types as value:
288 if vList.has_key(service):
289 if not type in vList[service]:
290 vList[service].append(type)
292 vList[service] = [type]
294 def removeServiceFromList(self, service, type, vList):
295 #Replaces deleteWhitelistService and deleteBlacklistService
296 if vList.has_key(service):
297 if type in vList[service]:
298 vList[service].remove(type)
299 if not vList[service]:
301 if self.serviceLevel.has_key(service):
302 self.serviceLevel.remove(service)
304 def readServicesFromBouquet(self,sBouquetSelection,formatstring):
305 #This method gives back a list of services for a given bouquet
306 from enigma import eServiceCenter, eServiceReference
307 from Screens.ChannelSelection import service_types_tv
308 serviceHandler = eServiceCenter.getInstance()
309 refstr = sBouquetSelection
310 root = eServiceReference(refstr)
311 list = serviceHandler.list(root)
313 services = list.getContent("CN", True) #(servicecomparestring, name)
317 # we need to open the files in case we havent's read them yet
318 self.saveListToFile(LIST_BLACKLIST)
319 self.saveListToFile(LIST_WHITELIST)
322 self.openListFromFile(LIST_BLACKLIST)
323 self.openListFromFile(LIST_WHITELIST)