1 from Components.Harddisk import harddiskmanager
2 from config import ConfigSubsection, ConfigYesNo, config, ConfigSelection, ConfigText, ConfigNumber, ConfigSet, ConfigLocations
3 from Tools.Directories import resolveFilename, SCOPE_HDD
4 from enigma import Misc_Options, setTunerTypePriorityOrder;
5 from SystemInfo import SystemInfo
9 config.usage = ConfigSubsection();
10 config.usage.showdish = ConfigYesNo(default = True)
11 config.usage.multibouquet = ConfigYesNo(default = False)
12 config.usage.quickzap_bouquet_change = ConfigYesNo(default = False)
13 config.usage.e1like_radio_mode = ConfigYesNo(default = False)
14 config.usage.infobar_timeout = ConfigSelection(default = "5", choices = [
15 ("0", _("no timeout")), ("1", "1 " + _("second")), ("2", "2 " + _("seconds")), ("3", "3 " + _("seconds")),
16 ("4", "4 " + _("seconds")), ("5", "5 " + _("seconds")), ("6", "6 " + _("seconds")), ("7", "7 " + _("seconds")),
17 ("8", "8 " + _("seconds")), ("9", "9 " + _("seconds")), ("10", "10 " + _("seconds"))])
18 config.usage.show_infobar_on_zap = ConfigYesNo(default = True)
19 config.usage.show_infobar_on_skip = ConfigYesNo(default = True)
20 config.usage.show_infobar_on_event_change = ConfigYesNo(default = True)
21 config.usage.hdd_standby = ConfigSelection(default = "600", choices = [
22 ("0", _("no standby")), ("10", "10 " + _("seconds")), ("30", "30 " + _("seconds")),
23 ("60", "1 " + _("minute")), ("120", "2 " + _("minutes")),
24 ("300", "5 " + _("minutes")), ("600", "10 " + _("minutes")), ("1200", "20 " + _("minutes")),
25 ("1800", "30 " + _("minutes")), ("3600", "1 " + _("hour")), ("7200", "2 " + _("hours")),
26 ("14400", "4 " + _("hours")) ])
27 config.usage.output_12V = ConfigSelection(default = "do not change", choices = [
28 ("do not change", _("do not change")), ("off", _("off")), ("on", _("on")) ])
30 config.usage.pip_zero_button = ConfigSelection(default = "standard", choices = [
31 ("standard", _("standard")), ("swap", _("swap PiP and main picture")),
32 ("swapstop", _("move PiP to main picture")), ("stop", _("stop PiP")) ])
34 config.usage.default_path = ConfigText(default = resolveFilename(SCOPE_HDD))
35 config.usage.timer_path = ConfigText(default = "<default>")
36 config.usage.instantrec_path = ConfigText(default = "<default>")
37 config.usage.timeshift_path = ConfigText(default = "/media/hdd/")
38 config.usage.allowed_timeshift_paths = ConfigLocations(default = ["/media/hdd/"])
40 config.usage.on_movie_start = ConfigSelection(default = "ask", choices = [
41 ("ask", _("Ask user")), ("resume", _("Resume from last position")), ("beginning", _("Start from the beginning")) ])
42 config.usage.on_movie_stop = ConfigSelection(default = "ask", choices = [
43 ("ask", _("Ask user")), ("movielist", _("Return to movie list")), ("quit", _("Return to previous service")) ])
44 config.usage.on_movie_eof = ConfigSelection(default = "ask", choices = [
45 ("ask", _("Ask user")), ("movielist", _("Return to movie list")), ("quit", _("Return to previous service")), ("pause", _("Pause movie at end")) ])
47 config.usage.setup_level = ConfigSelection(default = "intermediate", choices = [
48 ("simple", _("Simple")),
49 ("intermediate", _("Intermediate")),
50 ("expert", _("Expert")) ])
52 config.usage.on_long_powerpress = ConfigSelection(default = "show_menu", choices = [
53 ("show_menu", _("show shutdown menu")),
54 ("shutdown", _("immediate shutdown")) ] )
56 config.usage.alternatives_priority = ConfigSelection(default = "0", choices = [
62 ("5", "DVB-T/-S/-C") ])
64 config.usage.blinking_display_clock_during_recording = ConfigYesNo(default = False)
66 config.usage.show_message_when_recording_starts = ConfigYesNo(default = True)
68 config.usage.load_length_of_movies_in_moviellist = ConfigYesNo(default = True)
70 def TunerTypePriorityOrderChanged(configElement):
71 setTunerTypePriorityOrder(int(configElement.value))
72 config.usage.alternatives_priority.addNotifier(TunerTypePriorityOrderChanged, immediate_feedback=False)
74 def setHDDStandby(configElement):
75 for hdd in harddiskmanager.HDDList():
76 hdd[1].setIdleTime(int(configElement.value))
77 config.usage.hdd_standby.addNotifier(setHDDStandby, immediate_feedback=False)
79 def set12VOutput(configElement):
80 if configElement.value == "on":
81 Misc_Options.getInstance().set_12V_output(1)
82 elif configElement.value == "off":
83 Misc_Options.getInstance().set_12V_output(0)
84 config.usage.output_12V.addNotifier(set12VOutput, immediate_feedback=False)
86 SystemInfo["12V_Output"] = Misc_Options.getInstance().detected_12V_output()
88 config.usage.keymap = ConfigText(default = "/usr/share/enigma2/keymap.xml")
90 config.seek = ConfigSubsection()
91 config.seek.selfdefined_13 = ConfigNumber(default=15)
92 config.seek.selfdefined_46 = ConfigNumber(default=60)
93 config.seek.selfdefined_79 = ConfigNumber(default=300)
95 config.seek.speeds_forward = ConfigSet(default=[2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128], choices=[2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24, 32, 48, 64, 96, 128])
96 config.seek.speeds_backward = ConfigSet(default=[8, 16, 32, 64, 128], choices=[1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24, 32, 48, 64, 96, 128])
97 config.seek.speeds_slowmotion = ConfigSet(default=[2, 4, 8], choices=[2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 25])
99 config.seek.enter_forward = ConfigSelection(default = "2", choices = ["2", "4", "6", "8", "12", "16", "24", "32", "48", "64", "96", "128"])
100 config.seek.enter_backward = ConfigSelection(default = "1", choices = ["1", "2", "4", "6", "8", "12", "16", "24", "32", "48", "64", "96", "128"])
101 config.seek.stepwise_minspeed = ConfigSelection(default = "16", choices = ["Never", "2", "4", "6", "8", "12", "16", "24", "32", "48", "64", "96", "128"])
102 config.seek.stepwise_repeat = ConfigSelection(default = "3", choices = ["2", "3", "4", "5", "6"])
104 config.seek.on_pause = ConfigSelection(default = "play", choices = [
106 ("step", _("Singlestep (GOP)")),
107 ("last", _("Last speed")) ])
109 def updateEnterForward(configElement):
110 if not configElement.value:
111 configElement.value = [2]
112 updateChoices(config.seek.enter_forward, configElement.value)
114 config.seek.speeds_forward.addNotifier(updateEnterForward, immediate_feedback = False)
116 def updateEnterBackward(configElement):
117 if not configElement.value:
118 configElement.value = [2]
119 updateChoices(config.seek.enter_backward, configElement.value)
121 config.seek.speeds_backward.addNotifier(updateEnterBackward, immediate_feedback = False)
123 def updateChoices(sel, choices):
127 if not val in choices:
134 sel.setChoices(map(str, choices), defval)
136 def preferredPath(path):
137 if config.usage.setup_level.index < 2 or path == "<default>":
138 return None # config.usage.default_path.value, but delay lookup until usage
139 elif path == "<current>":
140 return config.movielist.last_videodir.value
141 elif path == "<timer>":
142 return config.movielist.last_timer_videodir.value
146 def preferredTimerPath():
147 return preferredPath(config.usage.timer_path.value)
149 def preferredInstantRecordPath():
150 return preferredPath(config.usage.instantrec_path.value)
152 def defaultMoviePath():
153 return config.usage.default_path.value