1 from Screens.Screen import Screen
2 from Screens.MessageBox import MessageBox
3 from Screens.HelpMenu import HelpableScreen
4 from Components.ActionMap import HelpableActionMap, ActionMap
5 from Components.Sources.List import List
6 from Components.Sources.StaticText import StaticText
7 from Components.Sources.Progress import Progress
8 from Components.Task import Task, Job, job_manager, Condition
9 from Components.ScrollLabel import ScrollLabel
10 from Components.Harddisk import harddiskmanager
11 from Components.Console import Console
12 from Plugins.SystemPlugins.Hotplug.plugin import hotplugNotifier
14 class DVDToolbox(Screen):
16 <screen position="90,83" size="560,445" title="DVD media toolbox" >
17 <ePixmap pixmap="skin_default/buttons/red.png" position="0,0" size="140,40" alphatest="on" />
18 <ePixmap pixmap="skin_default/buttons/green.png" position="140,0" size="140,40" alphatest="on" />
19 <ePixmap pixmap="skin_default/buttons/yellow.png" position="280,0" size="140,40" alphatest="on" />
20 <ePixmap pixmap="skin_default/buttons/blue.png" position="420,0" size="140,40" alphatest="on" />
21 <widget source="key_red" render="Label" position="0,0" zPosition="1" size="140,40" font="Regular;20" halign="center" valign="center" backgroundColor="#9f1313" transparent="1" />
22 <widget source="key_green" render="Label" position="140,0" zPosition="1" size="140,40" font="Regular;20" halign="center" valign="center" backgroundColor="#1f771f" transparent="1" />
23 <widget source="key_yellow" render="Label" position="280,0" zPosition="1" size="140,40" font="Regular;20" halign="center" valign="center" backgroundColor="#a08500" transparent="1" />
24 <widget source="key_blue" render="Label" position="420,0" zPosition="1" size="140,40" font="Regular;20" halign="center" valign="center" backgroundColor="#18188b" transparent="1" />
25 <widget source="info" render="Label" position="20,60" size="520,100" font="Regular;20" />
26 <widget name="details" position="20,200" size="520,200" font="Regular;16" />
27 <widget source="space_bar" render="Progress" position="10,410" size="540,26" borderWidth="1" backgroundColor="#254f7497" />
28 <widget source="space_label" render="Label" position="20,414" size="520,22" zPosition="2" font="Regular;18" halign="center" transparent="1" foregroundColor="#000000" />
31 def __init__(self, session):
32 Screen.__init__(self, session)
34 self["key_red"] = StaticText(_("Exit"))
35 self["key_green"] = StaticText(_("Update"))
36 self["key_yellow"] = StaticText()
37 self["key_blue"] = StaticText()
39 self["space_label"] = StaticText()
40 self["space_bar"] = Progress()
43 self.formattable = False
44 self["details"] = ScrollLabel()
45 self["info"] = StaticText()
47 self["toolboxactions"] = ActionMap(["ColorActions", "DVDToolbox", "OkCancelActions"],
51 "yellow": self.format,
54 "pageUp": self.pageUp,
55 "pageDown": self.pageDown
58 hotplugNotifier.append(self.update)
61 self["details"].pageUp()
64 self["details"].pageDown()
66 def update(self, dev="", action=""):
67 self["space_label"].text = _("Please wait... Loading list...")
68 self["info"].text = ""
69 self["details"].setText("")
70 self.Console = Console()
71 cmd = "/bin/dvd+rw-mediainfo /dev/" + harddiskmanager.getCD()
72 self.Console.ePopen(cmd, self.mediainfoCB)
76 job = DVDformatJob(self)
77 job_manager.AddJob(job)
78 from Screens.TaskView import JobView
79 self.session.openWithCallback(self.formatCB, JobView, job)
81 def formatCB(self, in_background):
84 def mediainfoCB(self, mediuminfo, retval, extra_args):
89 for line in mediuminfo.splitlines():
90 if line.find("Mounted Media:") > -1:
91 mediatype = line.rsplit(',',1)[1][1:]
92 if mediatype.find("RW") > 0 or mediatype.find("RAM") > 0:
93 self.formattable = True
95 self.formattable = False
96 if line.find("Legacy lead-out at:") > -1:
97 used = int(line.rsplit('=',1)[1]) / 1048576.0
98 print "[lead out] used =", used
99 elif line.find("formatted:") > -1:
100 capacity = int(line.rsplit('=',1)[1]) / 1048576.0
101 print "[formatted] capacity =", capacity
102 elif capacity == 1 and line.find("READ CAPACITY:") > -1:
103 capacity = int(line.rsplit('=',1)[1]) / 1048576.0
104 print "[READ CAP] capacity =", capacity
105 elif line.find("Disc status:") > -1:
106 if line.find("blank") > -1:
107 print "[Disc status] capacity=%d, used=0" % (capacity)
110 elif line.find("Free Blocks:") > -1:
112 size = eval(line[14:].replace("KB","*1024"))
116 capacity = size / 1048576
119 print "[free blocks] capacity=%d, used=%d" % (capacity, used)
120 infotext += line+'\n'
121 self["details"].setText(infotext)
123 self["key_yellow"].text = _("Format")
125 self["key_yellow"].text = ""
126 percent = 100 * used / (capacity or 1)
128 self["space_label"].text = "%d / %d MB" % (used, capacity) + " (%.2f%% " % percent + _("of a DUAL layer medium used.") + ")"
129 self["space_bar"].value = int(percent)
131 self["space_label"].text = "%d / %d MB" % (used, capacity) + " (%.2f%% " % percent + _("of a SINGLE layer medium used.") + ")"
132 self["space_bar"].value = int(percent)
133 elif capacity == 1 and used > 0:
134 self["space_label"].text = "%d MB " % (used) + _("on READ ONLY medium.")
135 self["space_bar"].value = int(percent)
137 self["space_label"].text = _("Medium is not a writeable DVD!")
138 self["space_bar"].value = 0
142 self["info"].text = "Media-Type:\t\t%s\nFree capacity:\t\t%d MB" % (mediatype or "NO DVD", free)
146 hotplugNotifier.remove(self.update)
149 class DVDformatJob(Job):
150 def __init__(self, toolbox):
151 Job.__init__(self, _("DVD media toolbox"))
152 self.toolbox = toolbox
156 self.tasks[0].args += self.tasks[0].retryargs
159 class DVDformatTaskPostcondition(Condition):
161 def check(self, task):
162 return task.error is None
164 def getErrorMessage(self, task):
166 task.ERROR_ALREADYFORMATTED: _("This DVD RW medium is already formatted - reformatting will erase all content on the disc."),
167 task.ERROR_NOTWRITEABLE: _("Medium is not a writeable DVD!"),
168 task.ERROR_UNKNOWN: _("An unknown error occured!")
171 class DVDformatTask(Task):
173 def __init__(self, job, extra_args=[]):
174 Task.__init__(self, job, ("RW medium format"))
175 self.toolbox = job.toolbox
176 self.postconditions.append(DVDformatTaskPostcondition())
177 self.setTool("/bin/dvd+rw-format")
178 self.args += [ "/dev/" + harddiskmanager.getCD() ]
185 def processOutputLine(self, line):
186 if line.startswith("- media is already formatted"):
187 self.error = self.ERROR_ALREADYFORMATTED
188 self.retryargs = [ "-force" ]
189 if line.startswith("- media is not blank") or line.startswith(" -format=full to perform full (lengthy) reformat;"):
190 self.error = self.ERROR_ALREADYFORMATTED
191 self.retryargs = [ "-blank" ]
192 if line.startswith(":-( mounted media doesn't appear to be"):
193 self.error = self.ERROR_NOTWRITEABLE
195 def processOutput(self, data):
196 print "[DVDformatTask processOutput] ", data
197 if data.endswith('%'):
198 data= data.replace('\x08','')
199 self.progress = int(float(data[:-1])*10)
201 Task.processOutput(self, data)