from Screen import Screen
-from Components.ActionMap import ActionMap
-from Components.config import config #global config instance
-from Components.config import configEntry
-from Components.config import configBoolean
-from Components.ConfigList import ConfigList
-from Components.Label import Label
-import xml.dom.minidom
-from xml.dom import EMPTY_NAMESPACE
-from skin import elementsWithTag
-from Tools import XMLTools
-setupdom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(
- """
- <setupxml>
- <setup key="rc" title="RC Menu">
- <item text="Repeat Rate">config.inputDevices.repeat</item>
- <item text="Delay Rate">config.inputDevices.delay</item>
- <item text="Keymap"></item>
- </setup>
- <setup key="timezone" title="RC Menu">
- <item text="Timezone">config.timezone.val</item>
- </setup>
- <setup key="avsetup" title="A/V Settings">
- <item text="Color Format">config.av.colorformat</item>
- <item text="Aspect Ratio">config.av.aspectratio</item>
- <item text="TV System">config.av.tvsystem</item>
- <item text="WSS">config.av.wss</item>
- <item text="AC3 default">config.av.defaultac3</item>
- <item text="VCR Switch">config.av.vcrswitch</item>
- </setup>
- <setup key="rfmod" title="UHF Modulator">
- <item text="Modulator">config.rfmod.enable</item>
- <item text="Testmode">config.rfmod.test</item>
- <item text="Sound">config.rfmod.sound</item>
- <item text="Soundcarrier">config.rfmod.soundcarrier</item>
- <item text="Channel"></item>
- <item text="Finetune">config.rfmod.finetune</item>
- </setup>
- <setup key="keyboard" title="Keyboard Setup">
- <item text="Keyboard Map">config.keyboard.keymap</item>
- </setup>
- <setup key="osd" title="OSD Settings">
- <item text="Alpha">config.osd.alpha</item>
- <item text="Brightness">config.osd.bright</item>
- <item text="Contrast">config.osd.contrast</item>
- <item text="Language">config.osd.language</item>
- </setup>
- <setup key="lcd" title="LCD Setup">
- <item text="Brightness">config.lcd.bright</item>
- <item text="Standby">config.lcd.standby</item>
- <item text="Invert">config.lcd.invert</item>
- </setup>
- <setup key="parental" title="Parental Control">
- <item text="Parental Lock">config.parental.lock</item>
- <item text="Setup Lock">config.parental.setuplock</item>
- </setup>
- <setup key="expert" title="Expert Setup">
- <item text="Record Splitsize"></item>
- <item text="Show Satposition"></item>
- <item text="Fast zapping"></item>
- <item text="Skip confirmations"></item>
- <item text="Hide error windows"></item>
- <item text="Auto show inforbar"></item>
- </setup>
- <setup key="satconfig" title="Sat/Dish Setup">
- <item text="Tuner-A Control">config.sat.diseqcA</item>
- <item text="Tuner-A Position">config.sat.posA</item>
- <item text="Tuner-A Sat">config.sat.satA</item>
- <item text="Tuner-B Control">config.sat.diseqcB</item>
- <item text="Tuner-A Position">config.sat.posB</item>
- <item text="Tuner-B Sat">config.sat.satB</item>
- </setup>
- </setupxml>
- """)
-def getValbyAttr(x, attr):
- for p in range(x.attributes.length):
- a = x.attributes.item(p)
- attrib = str(
- value = str(a.value)
- if attrib == attr:
- return value
- return ""
-class Setup(Screen):
- def addItems(self, list, childNode):
- for x in childNode:
- if x.nodeType != xml.dom.minidom.Element.nodeType:
- continue
- elif x.tagName == 'item':
- ItemText = getValbyAttr(x, "text")
- b = eval(XMLTools.mergeText(x.childNodes));
- print "item " + ItemText + " " + b.configPath
- if b == "":
- continue
- #add to configlist
- item = b.controlType(b)
- # the first b is the item itself, ignored by the configList.
- # the second one is converted to string.
- list.append( (ItemText, item) )
+from Components.ActionMap import NumberActionMap
+from Components.config import config, ConfigNothing
+from Components.SystemInfo import SystemInfo
+from Components.ConfigList import ConfigListScreen
+from Components.Sources.StaticText import StaticText
+import xml.etree.cElementTree
+# FIXME: use resolveFile!
+# read the setupmenu
+ # first we search in the current path
+ setupfile = file('data/setup.xml', 'r')
+ # if not found in the current path, we use the global datadir-path
+ setupfile = file('/usr/share/enigma2/setup.xml', 'r')
+setupdom = xml.etree.cElementTree.parse(setupfile)
+class SetupError(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, message):
+ self.msg = message
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.msg
+class SetupSummary(Screen):
- def keyOk(self):
- self["config"].handleKey(0)
- def keyLeft(self):
- self["config"].handleKey(1)
- def keyRight(self):
- self["config"].handleKey(2)
+ def __init__(self, session, parent):
- def keySave(self):
- print "save requested"
- for x in self["config"]:
- selection = self["config"].getCurrent()
+ Screen.__init__(self, session, parent = parent)
+ self["SetupTitle"] = StaticText(_(parent.setup_title))
+ self["SetupEntry"] = StaticText("")
+ self["SetupValue"] = StaticText("")
+ self.onShow.append(self.addWatcher)
+ self.onHide.append(self.removeWatcher)
+ def addWatcher(self):
+ self.parent.onChangedEntry.append(self.selectionChanged)
+ self.parent["config"].onSelectionChanged.append(self.selectionChanged)
+ self.selectionChanged()
+ def removeWatcher(self):
+ self.parent.onChangedEntry.remove(self.selectionChanged)
+ self.parent["config"].onSelectionChanged.remove(self.selectionChanged)
+ def selectionChanged(self):
+ self["SetupEntry"].text = self.parent.getCurrentEntry()
+ self["SetupValue"].text = self.parent.getCurrentValue()
+class Setup(ConfigListScreen, Screen):
+ def removeNotifier(self):
+ config.usage.setup_level.notifiers.remove(self.levelChanged)
+ def levelChanged(self, configElement):
+ list = []
+ self.refill(list)
+ self["config"].setList(list)
+ def refill(self, list):
+ xmldata = setupdom.getroot()
+ for x in xmldata.findall("setup"):
+ if x.get("key") != self.setup:
+ continue
+ self.addItems(list, x);
+ self.setup_title = x.get("title", "").encode("UTF-8")
def __init__(self, session, setup):
Screen.__init__(self, session)
+ # for the skin: first try a setup_<setupID>, then Setup
+ self.skinName = ["setup_" + setup, "Setup" ]
- print "request setup for " + setup
- xmldata = setupdom.childNodes[0]
- entries = xmldata.childNodes
+ self.onChangedEntry = [ ]
+ self.setup = setup
list = []
- for x in entries: #walk through the actual nodelist
- if x.nodeType != xml.dom.minidom.Element.nodeType:
- continue
- elif x.tagName == 'setup':
- ItemText = getValbyAttr(x, "key")
- if ItemText != setup:
- continue
- self.addItems(list, x.childNodes);
- #check for list.entries > 0 else self.close
- self["config"] = ConfigList(list)
+ self.refill(list)
- self["ok"] = Label("OK")
- self["cancel"] = Label("Cancel")
+ #check for list.entries > 0 else self.close
+ self["key_red"] = StaticText(_("Cancel"))
+ self["key_green"] = StaticText(_("OK"))
- self["actions"] = ActionMap(["SetupActions"],
+ self["actions"] = NumberActionMap(["SetupActions"],
- "cancel": self.close,
- "ok": self.keyOk,
- "left": self.keyLeft,
- "right": self.keyRight,
- "save": self.keySave
- })
+ "cancel": self.keyCancel,
+ "save": self.keySave,
+ }, -2)
+ ConfigListScreen.__init__(self, list, session = session, on_change = self.changedEntry)
+ self.changedEntry()
+ self.onLayoutFinish.append(self.layoutFinished)
+ def layoutFinished(self):
+ self.setTitle(_(self.setup_title))
+ # for summary:
+ def changedEntry(self):
+ for x in self.onChangedEntry:
+ x()
+ def getCurrentEntry(self):
+ return self["config"].getCurrent()[0]
+ def getCurrentValue(self):
+ return str(self["config"].getCurrent()[1].getText())
+ def createSummary(self):
+ return SetupSummary
+ def addItems(self, list, parentNode):
+ for x in parentNode:
+ if x.tag == 'item':
+ item_level = int(x.get("level", 0))
+ if not self.levelChanged in config.usage.setup_level.notifiers:
+ config.usage.setup_level.notifiers.append(self.levelChanged)
+ self.onClose.append(self.removeNotifier)
+ if item_level > config.usage.setup_level.index:
+ continue
+ requires = x.get("requires")
+ if requires and not SystemInfo.get(requires, False):
+ continue;
+ item_text = _(x.get("text", "??").encode("UTF-8"))
+ b = eval(x.text or "");
+ if b == "":
+ continue
+ #add to configlist
+ item = b
+ # the first b is the item itself, ignored by the configList.
+ # the second one is converted to string.
+ if not isinstance(item, ConfigNothing):
+ list.append( (item_text, item) )
+def getSetupTitle(id):
+ xmldata = setupdom.getroot()
+ for x in xmldata.findall("setup"):
+ if x.get("key") == id:
+ return x.get("title", "").encode("UTF-8")
+ raise SetupError("unknown setup id '%s'!" % repr(id))