currDir = "/media/dvd/"
if not pathExists(currDir):
currDir = "/"
+ if lastpath == "": # 'None' is magic to start at the list of mountpoints
+ currDir = None
+ inhibitDirs = ["/bin", "/boot", "/dev", "/etc", "/home", "/lib", "/proc", "/sbin", "/share", "/sys", "/tmp", "/usr", "/var"]
self.filelist = FileList(currDir, matchingPattern = "(?i)^.*\.(iso)", useServiceRef = True)
self["filelist"] = self.filelist
lastpath = (pathname.rstrip("/").rsplit("/",1))[0]
print "lastpath video_ts.ifo=", lastpath
+ if fileExists(pathname+"VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO"):
+ print "dvd structure found, trying to open..."
+ lastpath = (pathname.rstrip("/").rsplit("/",1))[0]
+ print "lastpath video_ts.ifo=", lastpath
+ pathname += "VIDEO_TS"
+ self.close(pathname)
lastpath = filename[0:filename.rfind("/")]
print "lastpath directory=", lastpath
newref = eServiceReference(4369, 0, val)
print "play", newref.toString()
if curref is None or curref != newref:
+ if newref.toString().endswith("/VIDEO_TS") or newref.toString().endswith("/"):
+ names = newref.toString().rsplit("/",3)
+ if names[2].startswith("Disk ") or names[2].startswith("DVD "):
+ name = str(names[1]) + " - " + str(names[2])
+ else:
+ name = names[2]
+ print "setting name to: ", self.service
+ newref.setName(str(name))
self.service = self.session.nav.getCurrentService()
print "self.service", self.service