-from os import path as os_path, remove as os_remove, listdir as os_listdir
-from time import strftime
-from enigma import eTimer, iPlayableService, eServiceCenter, iServiceInformation
-from Screens.Screen import Screen
-from Screens.MessageBox import MessageBox
-from Screens.InputBox import InputBox
-from Components.ActionMap import NumberActionMap, HelpableActionMap
-from Components.Label import Label
-from Components.Pixmap import Pixmap
-from Components.Label import Label
-from Components.FileList import FileList
-from Components.MediaPlayer import PlayList
-from Tools.Directories import resolveFilename, SCOPE_CONFIG, SCOPE_PLAYLIST, SCOPE_SKIN_IMAGE
-from Components.ServicePosition import ServicePositionGauge
-from Components.ServiceEventTracker import ServiceEventTracker
-from Components.Playlist import PlaylistIOInternal, PlaylistIOM3U, PlaylistIOPLS
-from Screens.InfoBarGenerics import InfoBarSeek, InfoBarAudioSelection, InfoBarCueSheetSupport, InfoBarNotifications
-from ServiceReference import ServiceReference
-from Screens.ChoiceBox import ChoiceBox
-from Screens.HelpMenu import HelpableScreen
-import random
-class MyPlayList(PlayList):
- def __init__(self):
- PlayList.__init__(self)
- def PlayListShuffle(self):
- random.shuffle(self.list)
- self.l.setList(self.list)
- self.currPlaying = -1
- self.oldCurrPlaying = -1
-class MediaPlayer(Screen, InfoBarSeek, InfoBarAudioSelection, InfoBarCueSheetSupport, InfoBarNotifications, HelpableScreen):
- def __init__(self, session, args = None):
- Screen.__init__(self, session)
- InfoBarAudioSelection.__init__(self)
- InfoBarCueSheetSupport.__init__(self, actionmap = "MediaPlayerCueSheetActions")
- InfoBarNotifications.__init__(self)
- HelpableScreen.__init__(self)
- self.summary = None
- self.oldService = self.session.nav.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference()
- self.session.nav.stopService()
- self.playlistparsers = {}
- self.addPlaylistParser(PlaylistIOM3U, "m3u")
- self.addPlaylistParser(PlaylistIOPLS, "pls")
- self.addPlaylistParser(PlaylistIOInternal, "e2pls")
- # 'None' is magic to start at the list of mountpoints
- self.filelist = FileList(None, matchingPattern = "(?i)^.*\.(mp3|ogg|ts|wav|wave|m3u|pls|e2pls|mpg|vob)", useServiceRef = True)
- self["filelist"] = self.filelist
- self.playlist = MyPlayList()
- #self.playlist = PlayList()
- self.is_closing = False
- self.delname = ""
- self["playlist"] = self.playlist
- self["PositionGauge"] = ServicePositionGauge(self.session.nav)
- self["currenttext"] = Label("")
- self["artisttext"] = Label(_("Artist:"))
- self["artist"] = Label("")
- self["titletext"] = Label(_("Title:"))
- self["title"] = Label("")
- self["albumtext"] = Label(_("Album:"))
- self["album"] = Label("")
- self["yeartext"] = Label(_("Year:"))
- self["year"] = Label("")
- self["genretext"] = Label(_("Genre:"))
- self["genre"] = Label("")
- self["coverArt"] = Pixmap()
- self.seek_target = None
- class MoviePlayerActionMap(NumberActionMap):
- def __init__(self, player, contexts = [ ], actions = { }, prio=0):
- NumberActionMap.__init__(self, contexts, actions, prio)
- self.player = player
- def action(self, contexts, action):
- self.player.show()
- return NumberActionMap.action(self, contexts, action)
- self["OkCancelActions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "OkCancelActions",
- {
- "ok": (self.ok, _("add file to playlist")),
- "cancel": (self.exit, _("exit mediaplayer")),
- }, -2)
- self["MediaPlayerActions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "MediaPlayerActions",
- {
- "play": (self.playEntry, _("play entry")),
- "pause": (self.pauseEntry, _("pause")),
- "stop": (self.stopEntry, _("stop entry")),
- "previous": (self.previousEntry, _("play previous playlist entry")),
- "next": (self.nextEntry, _("play next playlist entry")),
- "menu": (self.showMenu, _("menu")),
- "skipListbegin": (self.skip_listbegin, _("jump to listbegin")),
- "skipListend": (self.skip_listend, _("jump to listend")),
- "prevBouquet": (self.switchToPlayList, _("switch to playlist")),
- "nextBouquet": (self.switchToFileList, _("switch to filelist")),
- "delete": (self.deletePlaylistEntry, _("delete playlist entry")),
- "shift_stop": (self.clear_playlist, _("clear playlist")),
- "shift_record": (self.playlist.PlayListShuffle, _("shuffle playlist")),
- }, -2)
- self["InfobarEPGActions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "InfobarEPGActions",
- {
- "showEventInfo": (self.showEventInformation, _("show event details")),
- })
- self["actions"] = MoviePlayerActionMap(self, ["DirectionActions"],
- {
- "right": self.rightDown,
- "rightRepeated": self.doNothing,
- "rightUp": self.rightUp,
- "left": self.leftDown,
- "leftRepeated": self.doNothing,
- "leftUp": self.leftUp,
- "up": self.up,
- "upRepeated": self.up,
- "upUp": self.doNothing,
- "down": self.down,
- "downRepeated": self.down,
- "downUp": self.doNothing,
- }, -2)
- InfoBarSeek.__init__(self, actionmap = "MediaPlayerSeekActions")
- self.__event_tracker = ServiceEventTracker(screen=self, eventmap=
- {
- #iPlayableService.evStart: self.__serviceStarted,
- #iPlayableService.evSeekableStatusChanged: InfoBarSeek.__seekableStatusChanged,
- iPlayableService.evEOF: self.__evEOF,
- })
- self.onClose.append(self.delMPTimer)
- self.onClose.append(self.__onClose)
- self.righttimer = False
- self.rightKeyTimer = eTimer()
- self.rightKeyTimer.timeout.get().append(self.rightTimerFire)
- self.lefttimer = False
- self.leftKeyTimer = eTimer()
- self.leftKeyTimer.timeout.get().append(self.leftTimerFire)
- self.infoTimer = eTimer()
- self.infoTimer.timeout.get().append(self.infoTimerFire)
- self.infoTimer.start(500)
- self.currList = "filelist"
- self.coverArtFileName = ""
- self.playlistIOInternal = PlaylistIOInternal()
- list = self.playlistIOInternal.open(resolveFilename(SCOPE_CONFIG, "playlist.e2pls"))
- if list:
- for x in list:
- self.playlist.addFile(x.ref)
- self.playlist.updateList()
- def doNothing(self):
- pass
- def createSummary(self):
- return MediaPlayerLCDScreen
- def exit(self):
- self.session.openWithCallback(self.exitCB, MessageBox, _("Do you really want to exit?"), timeout=5)
- def exitCB(self, answer):
- if answer == True:
- self.playlistIOInternal.clear()
- for x in self.playlist.list:
- self.playlistIOInternal.addService(ServiceReference(x[0]))
- self.playlistIOInternal.save(resolveFilename(SCOPE_CONFIG, "playlist.e2pls"))
- self.close()
- def checkSkipShowHideLock(self):
- self.updatedSeekState()
- def __evEOF(self):
- self.nextEntry()
- def __onClose(self):
- self.session.nav.playService(self.oldService)
- def delMPTimer(self):
- del self.rightKeyTimer
- del self.leftKeyTimer
- del self.infoTimer
- def infoTimerFire(self):
- currPlay = self.session.nav.getCurrentService()
- if currPlay is not None:
- stitle = currPlay.info().getInfoString(iServiceInformation.sTitle)
- if stitle == "":
- stitle = currPlay.info().getName().split('/')[-1]
- self.updateMusicInformation( artist = currPlay.info().getInfoString(iServiceInformation.sArtist),
- title = stitle,
- album = currPlay.info().getInfoString(iServiceInformation.sAlbum),
- genre = currPlay.info().getInfoString(iServiceInformation.sGenre),
- clear = True)
- self.updateCoverArtPixmap( currPlay.info().getName() )
- else:
- self.updateMusicInformation()
- self.updateCoverArtPixmap( "" )
- def updateMusicInformation(self, artist = "", title = "", album = "", year = "", genre = "", clear = False):
- self.updateSingleMusicInformation("artist", artist, clear)
- self.updateSingleMusicInformation("title", title, clear)
- self.updateSingleMusicInformation("album", album, clear)
- self.updateSingleMusicInformation("year", year, clear)
- self.updateSingleMusicInformation("genre", genre, clear)
- def updateSingleMusicInformation(self, name, info, clear):
- if info != "" or clear:
- if self[name].getText() != info:
- self[name].setText(info)
- def updateCoverArtPixmap(self, currentServiceName):
- filename = currentServiceName
- # The "getName" usually adds something like "MP3 File:" infront of filename
- # Get rid of this...by finding the first "/"
- # FIXME: this should be fixed in the servicemp3.cpp handler
- filename = filename[filename.find("/"):]
- path = os_path.dirname(filename)
- pngname = path + "/" + "folder.png"
- if not os_path.exists(pngname):
- pngname = resolveFilename(SCOPE_SKIN_IMAGE, "no_coverArt.png")
- if self.coverArtFileName != pngname:
- self.coverArtFileName = pngname
- self["coverArt"].instance.setPixmapFromFile(self.coverArtFileName)
- def leftDown(self):
- self.lefttimer = True
- self.leftKeyTimer.start(1000)
- def rightDown(self):
- self.righttimer = True
- self.rightKeyTimer.start(1000)
- def leftUp(self):
- if self.lefttimer:
- self.leftKeyTimer.stop()
- self.lefttimer = False
- self[self.currList].pageUp()
- self.updateCurrentInfo()
- def rightUp(self):
- if self.righttimer:
- self.rightKeyTimer.stop()
- self.righttimer = False
- self[self.currList].pageDown()
- self.updateCurrentInfo()
- def leftTimerFire(self):
- self.leftKeyTimer.stop()
- self.lefttimer = False
- self.switchToFileList()
- def rightTimerFire(self):
- self.rightKeyTimer.stop()
- self.righttimer = False
- self.switchToPlayList()
- def switchToFileList(self):
- self.currList = "filelist"
- self.filelist.selectionEnabled(1)
- self.playlist.selectionEnabled(0)
- self.updateCurrentInfo()
- def switchToPlayList(self):
- if len(self.playlist) != 0:
- self.currList = "playlist"
- self.filelist.selectionEnabled(0)
- self.playlist.selectionEnabled(1)
- self.updateCurrentInfo()
- def up(self):
- self[self.currList].up()
- self.updateCurrentInfo()
- def down(self):
- self[self.currList].down()
- self.updateCurrentInfo()
- def showAfterSeek(self):
- self.show()
- def showAfterCuesheetOperation(self):
- self.show()
- def hideAfterResume(self):
- self.hide()
- # FIXME: maybe this code can be optimized
- def updateCurrentInfo(self):
- text = ""
- if self.currList == "filelist":
- idx = self.filelist.getSelectionIndex()
- r = self.filelist.list[idx]
- text = r[1][7]
- if r[0][1] == True:
- if len(text) < 2:
- text += " "
- if text[:2] != "..":
- text = "/" + text
- self.summaries.setText(text,1)
- idx += 1
- if idx < len(self.filelist.list):
- r = self.filelist.list[idx]
- text = r[1][7]
- if r[0][1] == True:
- text = "/" + text
- self.summaries.setText(text,3)
- else:
- self.summaries.setText(" ",3)
- idx += 1
- if idx < len(self.filelist.list):
- r = self.filelist.list[idx]
- text = r[1][7]
- if r[0][1] == True:
- text = "/" + text
- self.summaries.setText(text,4)
- else:
- self.summaries.setText(" ",4)
- text = ""
- if not self.filelist.canDescent():
- r = self.filelist.getServiceRef()
- if r is None:
- return
- text = r.getPath()
- self["currenttext"].setText(os_path.basename(text))
- if self.currList == "playlist":
- t = self.playlist.getSelection()
- if t is None:
- return
- #display current selected entry on LCD
- text = t.getPath()
- text = text.split('/')[-1]
- self.summaries.setText(text,1)
- self["currenttext"].setText(text)
- idx = self.playlist.getSelectionIndex()
- idx += 1
- if idx < len(self.playlist):
- currref = self.playlist.getServiceRefList()[idx]
- text = currref.getPath()
- text = text.split('/')[-1]
- self.summaries.setText(text,3)
- else:
- self.summaries.setText(" ",3)
- idx += 1
- if idx < len(self.playlist):
- currref = self.playlist.getServiceRefList()[idx]
- text = currref.getPath()
- text = text.split('/')[-1]
- self.summaries.setText(text,4)
- else:
- self.summaries.setText(" ",4)
- def ok(self):
- if self.currList == "filelist":
- if self.filelist.canDescent():
- self.filelist.descent()
- self.updateCurrentInfo()
- else:
- self.copyFile()
- if self.currList == "playlist":
- selection = self["playlist"].getSelection()
- self.changeEntry(self.playlist.getSelectionIndex())
- def showMenu(self):
- menu = []
- if self.currList == "filelist":
- if self.filelist.canDescent():
- menu.append((_("add directory to playlist"), "copydir"))
- else:
- menu.append((_("add files to playlist"), "copyfiles"))
- menu.append((_("switch to playlist"), "playlist"))
- else:
- menu.append((_("switch to filelist"), "filelist"))
- menu.append((_("shuffle playlist"), "shuffle"))
- menu.append((_("delete"), "delete"))
- menu.append((_("clear playlist"), "clear"))
- menu.append((_("hide player"), "hide"));
- menu.append((_("save playlist"), "saveplaylist"));
- menu.append((_("load playlist"), "loadplaylist"));
- menu.append((_("delete saved playlist"), "deleteplaylist"));
- self.session.openWithCallback(self.menuCallback, ChoiceBox, title="", list=menu)
- def menuCallback(self, choice):
- if choice is None:
- return
- if choice[1] == "copydir":
- self.copyDirectory(self.filelist.getSelection()[0])
- elif choice[1] == "copyfiles":
- self.stopEntry()
- self.playlist.clear()
- self.copyDirectory(os_path.dirname(self.filelist.getSelection()[0].getPath()) + "/", recursive = False)
- self.playServiceRefEntry(self.filelist.getServiceRef())
- elif choice[1] == "playlist":
- self.switchToPlayList()
- elif choice[1] == "filelist":
- self.switchToFileList()
- elif choice[1] == "delete":
- if self.playlist.getSelectionIndex() == self.playlist.getCurrentIndex():
- self.stopEntry()
- self.deleteEntry()
- elif choice[1] == "clear":
- self.stopEntry()
- self.playlist.clear()
- self.switchToFileList()
- elif choice[1] == "hide":
- self.hide()
- elif choice[1] == "saveplaylist":
- self.save_playlist()
- elif choice[1] == "loadplaylist":
- self.load_playlist()
- elif choice[1] == "deleteplaylist":
- self.delete_saved_playlist()
- elif choice[1] == "shuffle":
- self.playlist.PlayListShuffle()
- def showEventInformation(self):
- from Screens.EventView import EventViewSimple
- from ServiceReference import ServiceReference
- evt = self[self.currList].getCurrentEvent()
- if evt:
- self.session.open(EventViewSimple, evt, ServiceReference(self.getCurrent()))
- # also works on filelist (?)
- def getCurrent(self):
- return self["playlist"].getCurrent()
- def deletePlaylistEntry(self):
- if self.currList == "playlist":
- if self.playlist.getSelectionIndex() == self.playlist.getCurrentIndex():
- self.stopEntry()
- self.deleteEntry()
- def skip_listbegin(self):
- if self.currList == "filelist":
- self.filelist.moveToIndex(0)
- else:
- self.playlist.moveToIndex(0)
- self.updateCurrentInfo()
- def skip_listend(self):
- if self.currList == "filelist":
- idx = len(self.filelist.list)
- self.filelist.moveToIndex(idx - 1)
- else:
- self.playlist.moveToIndex(len(self.playlist)-1)
- self.updateCurrentInfo()
- def save_playlist(self):
- self.session.openWithCallback(self.save_playlist2,InputBox, title=_("Please enter filename (empty = use current date)"),windowTitle = _("Save Playlist"))
- def save_playlist2(self, name):
- if name is not None:
- name = name.strip()
- if name == "":
- name = strftime("%y%m%d_%H%M%S")
- name += ".e2pls"
- self.playlistIOInternal.clear()
- for x in self.playlist.list:
- self.playlistIOInternal.addService(ServiceReference(x[0]))
- self.playlistIOInternal.save(resolveFilename(SCOPE_PLAYLIST) + name)
- def load_playlist(self):
- listpath = []
- playlistdir = resolveFilename(SCOPE_PLAYLIST)
- try:
- for i in os_listdir(playlistdir):
- listpath.append((i,playlistdir + i))
- except IOError,e:
- print "Error while scanning subdirs ",e
- self.session.openWithCallback(self.PlaylistSelected, ChoiceBox, title=_("Please select a playlist..."), list = listpath)
- def PlaylistSelected(self,path):
- if path is not None:
- self.clear_playlist()
- self.playlistIOInternal = PlaylistIOInternal()
- list = self.playlistIOInternal.open(path[1])
- if list:
- for x in list:
- self.playlist.addFile(x.ref)
- self.playlist.updateList()
- def delete_saved_playlist(self):
- listpath = []
- playlistdir = resolveFilename(SCOPE_PLAYLIST)
- try:
- for i in os_listdir(playlistdir):
- listpath.append((i,playlistdir + i))
- except IOError,e:
- print "Error while scanning subdirs ",e
- self.session.openWithCallback(self.DeletePlaylistSelected, ChoiceBox, title=_("Please select a playlist to delete..."), list = listpath)
- def DeletePlaylistSelected(self,path):
- if path is not None:
- self.delname = path[1]
- self.session.openWithCallback(self.deleteConfirmed, MessageBox, _("Do you really want to delete %s?") % (path[1]))
- def deleteConfirmed(self, confirmed):
- if confirmed:
- os_remove(self.delname)
- def clear_playlist(self):
- self.stopEntry()
- self.playlist.clear()
- self.switchToFileList()
- def copyDirectory(self, directory, recursive = True):
- print "copyDirectory", directory
- filelist = FileList(directory, useServiceRef = True, isTop = True)
- for x in filelist.getFileList():
- if x[0][1] == True: #isDir
- if recursive:
- self.copyDirectory(x[0][0])
- else:
- self.playlist.addFile(x[0][0])
- self.playlist.updateList()
- def copyFile(self):
- if self.filelist.getServiceRef().type == 4098: # playlist
- ServiceRef = self.filelist.getServiceRef()
- extension = ServiceRef.getPath()[ServiceRef.getPath().rfind('.') + 1:]
- print "extension:", extension
- if self.playlistparsers.has_key(extension):
- playlist = self.playlistparsers[extension]()
- list = playlist.open(ServiceRef.getPath())
- for x in list:
- self.playlist.addFile(x.ref)
- else:
- self.playlist.addFile(self.filelist.getServiceRef())
- self.playlist.updateList()
- if len(self.playlist) == 1:
- self.changeEntry(0)
- def addPlaylistParser(self, parser, extension):
- self.playlistparsers[extension] = parser
- def nextEntry(self):
- next = self.playlist.getCurrentIndex() + 1
- if next < len(self.playlist):
- self.changeEntry(next)
- def previousEntry(self):
- next = self.playlist.getCurrentIndex() - 1
- if next >= 0:
- self.changeEntry(next)
- def deleteEntry(self):
- self.playlist.deleteFile(self.playlist.getSelectionIndex())
- self.playlist.updateList()
- if len(self.playlist) == 0:
- self.switchToFileList()
- def changeEntry(self, index):
- self.playlist.setCurrentPlaying(index)
- self.playEntry()
- def playServiceRefEntry(self, serviceref):
- serviceRefList = self.playlist.getServiceRefList()
- for count in range(len(serviceRefList)):
- if serviceRefList[count] == serviceref:
- self.changeEntry(count)
- break
- def playEntry(self):
- if len(self.playlist.getServiceRefList()):
- currref = self.playlist.getServiceRefList()[self.playlist.getCurrentIndex()]
- if self.session.nav.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference() is None or currref != self.session.nav.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference():
- self.session.nav.playService(self.playlist.getServiceRefList()[self.playlist.getCurrentIndex()])
- info = eServiceCenter.getInstance().info(currref)
- description = info and info.getInfoString(currref, iServiceInformation.sDescription) or ""
- self["title"].setText(description)
- # display just playing musik on LCD
- idx = self.playlist.getCurrentIndex()
- currref = self.playlist.getServiceRefList()[idx]
- text = currref.getPath()
- text = text.split('/')[-1]
- text = ">"+text
- ext = text[-3:].lower()
- # FIXME: the information if the service contains video (and we should hide our window) should com from the service instead
- if ext not in ["mp3", "wav", "ogg"]:
- self.hide()
- self.summaries.setText(text,1)
- # get the next two entries
- idx += 1
- if idx < len(self.playlist):
- currref = self.playlist.getServiceRefList()[idx]
- text = currref.getPath()
- text = text.split('/')[-1]
- self.summaries.setText(text,3)
- else:
- self.summaries.setText(" ",3)
- idx += 1
- if idx < len(self.playlist):
- currref = self.playlist.getServiceRefList()[idx]
- text = currref.getPath()
- text = text.split('/')[-1]
- self.summaries.setText(text,4)
- else:
- self.summaries.setText(" ",4)
- else:
- idx = self.playlist.getCurrentIndex()
- currref = self.playlist.getServiceRefList()[idx]
- text = currref.getPath()
- ext = text[-3:].lower()
- if ext not in ["mp3", "wav", "ogg"]:
- self.hide()
- self.unPauseService()
- def updatedSeekState(self):
- if self.seekstate == self.SEEK_STATE_PAUSE:
- self.playlist.pauseFile()
- elif self.seekstate == self.SEEK_STATE_PLAY:
- self.playlist.playFile()
- elif self.seekstate in ( self.SEEK_STATE_FF_2X,
- self.SEEK_STATE_FF_4X,
- self.SEEK_STATE_FF_8X,
- self.SEEK_STATE_FF_32X,
- self.SEEK_STATE_FF_64X,
- self.SEEK_STATE_FF_128X):
- self.playlist.forwardFile()
- elif self.seekstate in ( self.SEEK_STATE_BACK_16X,
- self.SEEK_STATE_BACK_128X,):
- self.playlist.rewindFile()
- def pauseEntry(self):
- self.pauseService()
- self.show()
- def stopEntry(self):
- self.playlist.stopFile()
- self.session.nav.playService(None)
- self.updateMusicInformation(clear=True)
- self.show()
- def unPauseService(self):
- self.setSeekState(self.SEEK_STATE_PLAY)
-class MediaPlayerLCDScreen(Screen):
- skin = """
- <screen position="0,0" size="132,64" title="LCD Text">
- <widget name="text1" position="4,0" size="132,35" font="Regular;16"/>
- <widget name="text3" position="4,36" size="132,14" font="Regular;10"/>
- <widget name="text4" position="4,49" size="132,14" font="Regular;10"/>
- </screen>"""
- def __init__(self, session, parent):
- Screen.__init__(self, session)
- self["text1"] = Label("Mediaplayer")
- self["text3"] = Label("")
- self["text4"] = Label("")
- def setText(self, text, line):
- print "lcd set text:", text, line
- if len(text) > 10:
- if text[-4:] == ".mp3":
- text = text[:-4]
- textleer = " "
- text = text + textleer*10
- if line == 1:
- self["text1"].setText(text)
- elif line == 3:
- self["text3"].setText(text)
- elif line == 4:
- self["text4"].setText(text)