<widget name="statuspic" pixmaps="skin_default/buttons/button_green.png,skin_default/buttons/button_green_off.png" position="130,380" zPosition="10" size="15,16" transparent="1" alphatest="on"/>
<!-- Audio selection -->
-<<<<<<< HEAD
<screen name="AudioSelection" position="center,center" size="560,330" title="Audio">
<widget name="config" position="50,10" size="500,110" scrollbarMode="showOnDemand" />
- <screen name="AudioSelection" position="center,center" size="520,330" title="Audio">
- <widget name="config" position="50,10" size="460,110" scrollbarMode="showOnDemand" />
->>>>>>> more experimenting on vobsubs
- <widget source="key_red" render="Pixmap" pixmap="skin_default/buttons/key_red.png" position="10,10" size="35,25" alphatest="on">
- <convert type="ConditionalShowHide" />
- </widget>
- <widget source="key_green" render="Pixmap" pixmap="skin_default/buttons/key_green.png" position="10,35" size="35,25" alphatest="on">
- <convert type="ConditionalShowHide" />
- </widget>
- <widget source="key_yellow" render="Pixmap" pixmap="skin_default/buttons/key_yellow.png" position="10,60" size="35,25" alphatest="on">
- <convert type="ConditionalShowHide" />
- </widget>
- <widget source="key_blue" render="Pixmap" pixmap="skin_default/buttons/key_blue.png" position="10,85" size="35,25" alphatest="on">
- <convert type="ConditionalShowHide" />
- </widget>
-<<<<<<< HEAD
<widget source="key_red" render="Pixmap" pixmap="skin_default/buttons/key_red.png" position="10,10" size="35,25" alphatest="on">
<convert type="ConditionalShowHide" />
<ePixmap pixmap="skin_default/div-h.png" position="10,112" zPosition="10" size="540,2" />
<widget source="streams" render="Listbox" scrollbarMode="showOnDemand" position="10,120" size="540,200" zPosition="3" transparent="1" >
- <ePixmap pixmap="skin_default/div-h.png" position="10,112" size="500,2" />
- <widget source="streams" render="Listbox" scrollbarMode="showOnDemand" position="10,120" size="500,200" zPosition="3" transparent="1" >
->>>>>>> more experimenting on vobsubs
- <convert type="TemplatedMultiContent">
- {"templates":
- {"default": (25, [
- MultiContentEntryText(pos = (0, 0), size = (35, 25), font = 0, flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT, text = 1), # key,
-<<<<<<< HEAD
<convert type="TemplatedMultiContent">
{"default": (25, [
MultiContentEntryText(pos = (240, 0), size = (200, 25), font = 0, flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT, text = 4), # language,
MultiContentEntryText(pos = (450, 4), size = (90, 25), font = 1, flags = RT_HALIGN_RIGHT, text = 5), # selection,
], True, "showNever"),
- "notselected": (25, [
- MultiContentEntryText(pos = (0, 0), size = (35, 25), font = 0, flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT, text = 1), # key,
- ], True, "showNever"),
"notselected": (25, [
MultiContentEntryText(pos = (0, 0), size = (35, 25), font = 0, flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT, text = 1), # key,
MultiContentEntryText(pos = (40, 0), size = (60, 25), font = 0, flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT, text = 2), # number,
- MultiContentEntryText(pos = (40, 0), size = (55, 25), font = 0, flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT, text = 2), # number,
- MultiContentEntryText(pos = (100, 0), size = (120, 25), font = 0, flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT, text = 3), # description,
- MultiContentEntryText(pos = (230, 0), size = (200, 25), font = 0, flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT, text = 4), # language,
- MultiContentEntryText(pos = (440, 4), size = (60, 25), font = 1, flags = RT_HALIGN_RIGHT, text = 5), # selection,
- ], True, "showNever"),
- "notselected": (25, [
- MultiContentEntryText(pos = (0, 0), size = (35, 25), font = 0, flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT, text = 1), # key,
- MultiContentEntryText(pos = (40, 0), size = (55, 25), font = 0, flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT, text = 2), # number,
- MultiContentEntryText(pos = (100, 0), size = (120, 25), font = 0, flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT, text = 3), # description,
- MultiContentEntryText(pos = (230, 0), size = (200, 25), font = 0, flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT, text = 4), # language,
- MultiContentEntryText(pos = (440, 4), size = (60, 25), font = 1, flags = RT_HALIGN_RIGHT, text = 5), # selection,
->>>>>>> more experimenting on vobsubs
- ], False, "showNever")
- },
- "fonts": [gFont("Regular", 20), gFont("Regular", 16)],
- "itemHeight": 25
- }
- </convert>
- </widget>
<!-- Bouquet selector -->
<screen name="BouquetSelector" position="center,center" size="300,240" title="Choose bouquet">
<widget source="key_green" render="Label" position="140,0" zPosition="1" size="140,40" font="Regular;20" halign="center" valign="center" backgroundColor="#1f771f" transparent="1" />
<widget source="key_yellow" render="Label" position="280,0" zPosition="1" size="140,40" font="Regular;20" halign="center" valign="center" backgroundColor="#a08500" transparent="1" />
<widget source="key_blue" render="Label" position="420,0" zPosition="1" size="140,40" font="Regular;20" halign="center" valign="center" backgroundColor="#18188b" transparent="1" />
- <widget name="list" position="5,50" size="550,280" scrollbarMode="showOnDemand" zPosition="10"/>
+ <widget source="list" render="Listbox" position="5,50" size="550,280" zPosition="10" scrollbarMode="showOnDemand">
+ <convert type="TemplatedMultiContent"> <!-- iface, name, description, interfacepng, defaultpng, activepng, divpng -->
+ {"template": [
+ MultiContentEntryText(pos = (85, 6), size = (440, 28), font=0, flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT|RT_VALIGN_TOP, text = 1), # index 1 is the interfacename
+ MultiContentEntryText(pos = (85, 43), size = (440, 20), font=1, flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT|RT_VALIGN_BOTTOM, text = 2), # index 2 is the description
+ MultiContentEntryPixmapAlphaTest(pos = (2, 8), size = (54, 54), png = 3), # index 3 is the interface pixmap
+ MultiContentEntryPixmapAlphaTest(pos = (63, 46), size = (15, 16), png = 4), # index 4 is the default pixmap
+ ],
+ "fonts": [gFont("Regular", 28),gFont("Regular", 20)],
+ "itemHeight": 70
+ }
+ </convert>
+ </widget>
<ePixmap pixmap="skin_default/div-h.png" position="0,340" zPosition="1" size="560,2" />
<widget source="introduction" render="Label" position="0,350" size="560,50" zPosition="10" font="Regular;21" halign="center" valign="center" backgroundColor="#25062748" transparent="1" />
self.settings = ConfigSubsection()
choicelist = [(PAGE_AUDIO,_("audio tracks")), (PAGE_SUBTITLES,_("Subtitles"))]
+ print "debug 1: choicelist", page
self.settings.menupage = ConfigSelection(choices = choicelist, default=page)
+ print "debug 2"
+ print "debug 3"
def __layoutFinished(self):
+ print "[__layoutFinished]"
+ print "after instance.setSelectionEnable"
self.focus = FOCUS_STREAMS
+ print "debug 4"
def fillList(self, arg=None):
+ print "debug fillList"
streams = []
conflist = []
selectedidx = 0
- service = self.session.nav.getCurrentService()
- self.audioTracks = audio = service and service.audioTracks()
- n = audio and audio.getNumberOfTracks() or 0
+ print "debug fillList 2"
if self.settings.menupage.getValue() == PAGE_AUDIO:
self.setTitle(_("Select audio track"))
+ service = self.session.nav.getCurrentService()
+ self.audioTracks = audio = service and service.audioTracks()
+ n = audio and audio.getNumberOfTracks() or 0
if SystemInfo["CanDownmixAC3"]:
self.settings.downmix = ConfigOnOff(default=config.av.downmix_ac3.value)
self.settings.downmix.addNotifier(self.changeAC3Downmix, initial_call = False)
streams.append((x, "", number, description, language, selected))
- conflist.append(getConfigListEntry("", self.settings.dummy))
- self["key_green"].setBoolean(False)
streams = []
elif self.settings.menupage.getValue() == PAGE_SUBTITLES:
+ print "debug PAGE_SUBTITLES"
self.setTitle(_("Subtitle selection"))
idx = 0
subtitlelist = self.getSubtitleList()
+ print ">>>>>>>>subtitlelist", subtitlelist
if len(subtitlelist):
for x in subtitlelist:
description = types[x[2]]
streams.append((x, "", number, description, language, selected))
+ print "appending", x, "", number, description, language, selected
idx += 1
class SubtitleSelection(AudioSelection):
def __init__(self, session, infobar=None):
- AudioSelection.__init__(self, session, infobar, PAGE_SUBTITLES)
+ AudioSelection.__init__(self, session, infobar, page=PAGE_SUBTITLES)
+ self.skinName = ["AudioSelection"]
m_gst_subtitlebin = gst_bin_new("subtitle_bin");
GstElement *appsink = gst_element_factory_make("appsink", "subtitle_sink");
+ GstElement *fakesink = gst_element_factory_make("fakesink", "subtitle_fakesink");
if (!appsink)
eDebug("eServiceMP3::sorry, can't play: missing gst-plugin-appsink");
// <<<<<<< HEAD
// else
// {
-// m_subs_to_pull_handler_id = g_signal_connect (subsink, "new-buffer", G_CALLBACK (gstCBsubtitleAvail), this);
-// g_object_set (G_OBJECT (subsink), "caps", gst_caps_from_string("text/plain; text/x-plain; text/x-pango-markup"), NULL);
-// g_object_set (G_OBJECT (m_gst_playbin), "text-sink", subsink, NULL);
+// m_subs_to_pull_handler_id = g_signal_connect (appsink, "new-buffer", G_CALLBACK (gstCBsubtitleAvail), this);
+// g_object_set (G_OBJECT (appsink), "caps", gst_caps_from_string("text/plain; text/x-pango-markup"), NULL);
+// g_object_set (G_OBJECT (m_gst_playbin), "text-sink", appsink, NULL);
// }
// =======
-// GstElement *dvdsubdec = gst_element_factory_make("dvdsubdec", "vobsubtitle_decoder");
-// if ( !dvdsubdec )
-// eDebug("eServiceMP3::sorry, can't play: missing gst-plugin-dvdsub");
-// gst_bin_add_many(GST_BIN(m_gst_subtitlebin), dvdsubdec, appsink, NULL);
-// GstPad *ghostpad = gst_ghost_pad_new("sink", gst_element_get_static_pad (appsink, "sink"));
+ GstElement *dvdsubdec = gst_element_factory_make("dvdsubdec", "vobsubtitle_decoder");
+ if ( !dvdsubdec )
+ eDebug("eServiceMP3::sorry, can't play: missing gst-plugin-dvdsub");
+ gst_bin_add_many(GST_BIN(m_gst_subtitlebin), dvdsubdec, appsink, fakesink, NULL);
+ GstPad *ghostpad = gst_ghost_pad_new("sink", gst_element_get_static_pad (fakesink, "sink"));
// // GstPad *ghostpad = gst_ghost_pad_new("sink", gst_element_get_static_pad (dvdsubdec, "sink"));
-// gst_element_add_pad (m_gst_subtitlebin, ghostpad);
-// eDebug("eServiceMP3::construct dvdsubdec=%p, appsink=%p, ghostpad=%p,", dvdsubdec, appsink, ghostpad);
-// g_signal_connect (ghostpad, "notify::caps", G_CALLBACK (gstCBsubtitleCAPS), this);
-// GstCaps* caps = gst_caps_from_string("text/plain; text/x-pango-markup; video/x-raw-rgb");
-// g_object_set (G_OBJECT (appsink), "caps", caps, NULL);
-// g_object_set (G_OBJECT (dvdsubdec), "singlebuffer", TRUE, NULL);
-// gst_caps_unref(caps);
-// int ret = gst_element_link(dvdsubdec, appsink);
-// eDebug("eServiceMP3::linking elements dvdsubdec and subsink appsink %i", ret);
-// g_object_set (G_OBJECT (m_gst_playbin), "text-sink", m_gst_subtitlebin, NULL);
+ gst_element_add_pad (m_gst_subtitlebin, ghostpad);
+ eDebug("eServiceMP3::construct dvdsubdec=%p, appsink=%p, fakesink=%p, ghostpad=%p,", dvdsubdec, appsink, fakesink, ghostpad);
+ g_signal_connect (ghostpad, "notify::caps", G_CALLBACK (gstCBsubtitleCAPS), this);
- GstCaps* caps = gst_caps_from_string("text/plain; text/x-pango-markup");
+ GstCaps* caps = gst_caps_from_string("text/plain; text/x-pango-markup; video/x-raw-rgb");
g_object_set (G_OBJECT (appsink), "caps", caps, NULL);
- g_object_set (G_OBJECT (m_gst_playbin), "text-sink", appsink, NULL);
+ g_object_set (G_OBJECT (dvdsubdec), "singlebuffer", TRUE, NULL);
+ gst_caps_unref(caps);
+ g_object_set (G_OBJECT (m_gst_playbin), "text-sink", m_gst_subtitlebin, NULL);
m_subs_to_pull_handler_id = g_signal_connect (appsink, "new-buffer", G_CALLBACK (gstCBsubtitleAvail), this);
-// >>>>>>> fix empty streams list crash, correctly show/hide color key buttons, re-implement plugin-hook for blue key, fix possible exit crash
if ( m_gst_playbin )
// disconnect subtitle callback
GstElement *appsink = gst_bin_get_by_name(GST_BIN(m_gst_subtitlebin), "subtitle_sink");
+// GstElement *appsink = gst_bin_get_by_name(GST_BIN(m_gst_playbin), "subtitle_sink");
if (appsink)
/* pos is in nanoseconds. we have 90 000 pts per second. */
pts = pos / 11111;
+ eDebug("gst_element_query_position %lld pts (%lld ms)", pts, pos/1000000);
return 0;
type = stSSA;
else if ( !strcmp(g_type, "text/plain") )
type = stPlainText;
+ else
+ eDebug("getSubtitleType::unsupported subtitle caps %s (%s)", g_type, g_codec);
else if ( g_codec )
eDebug("getSubtitleType::subtitle probe codec tag=%s", g_codec);
if ( !strcmp(g_codec, "VOB") )
type = stVOB;
- else if ( !strcmp(g_codec, "SubStation Alpha") )
+ else if ( !strcmp(g_codec, "SubStation Alpha") || !strcmp(g_codec, "SSA") )
type = stSSA;
else if ( !strcmp(g_codec, "ASS") )
type = stASS;
else if ( !strcmp(g_codec, "UTF-8 plain text") )
type = stPlainText;
+ else
+ eDebug("getSubtitleType::unsupported subtitle codec %s", g_codec);
+ else
+ eDebug("getSubtitleType::unidentifiable subtitle stream!");
return type;
} break;
-// GstElement *appsink = gst_bin_get_by_name(GST_BIN(m_gst_subtitlebin), "subtitle_sink");
- GstElement *appsink = gst_bin_get_by_name(GST_BIN(m_gst_playbin), "subtitle_sink");
+ GstElement *appsink = gst_bin_get_by_name(GST_BIN(m_gst_subtitlebin), "subtitle_sink");
+// GstElement *appsink = gst_bin_get_by_name(GST_BIN(m_gst_playbin), "subtitle_sink");
if (appsink)
g_object_set (G_OBJECT (appsink), "max-buffers", 2, NULL);
gchar *g_codec = NULL, *g_lang = NULL;
g_signal_emit_by_name (m_gst_playbin, "get-text-tags", i, &tags);
subtitleStream subs;
+ int ret;
g_lang = g_strdup_printf ("und");
if ( tags && gst_is_tag_list(tags) )
subs.language_code = std::string(g_lang);
- eDebug("eServiceMP3::subtitle stream=%i language=%s", i, g_lang);
+ eDebug("eServiceMP3::subtitle stream=%i language=%s codec=%s", i, g_lang, g_codec);
GstPad* pad = 0;
g_signal_emit_by_name (m_gst_playbin, "get-text-pad", i, &pad);
GstElement *dvdsubdec = gst_bin_get_by_name(GST_BIN(_this->m_gst_subtitlebin), "vobsubtitle_decoder");
GstPad *subdecsinkpad = gst_element_get_static_pad (dvdsubdec, "sink");
int ret = gst_ghost_pad_set_target((GstGhostPad*)ghostpad, subdecsinkpad);
+ GstElement *appsink = gst_bin_get_by_name(GST_BIN(_this->m_gst_subtitlebin), "subtitle_sink");
+ ret += gst_element_link(dvdsubdec, appsink);
eDebug("gstCBsubtitleLink:: dvdsubdec=%p, subdecsinkpad=%p, ghostpad=%p, link=%i", dvdsubdec, subdecsinkpad, ghostpad, ret);
- else
+ else if ( type < stVOB && type > stUnknown )
GstPad *ghostpad = gst_element_get_static_pad(_this->m_gst_subtitlebin, "sink");
GstElement *appsink = gst_bin_get_by_name(GST_BIN(_this->m_gst_subtitlebin), "subtitle_sink");
GstPad *appsinkpad = gst_element_get_static_pad (appsink, "sink");
+ GstElement *dvdsubdec = gst_bin_get_by_name(GST_BIN(_this->m_gst_subtitlebin), "vobsubtitle_decoder");
+ gst_element_unlink(dvdsubdec, appsink);
int ret = gst_ghost_pad_set_target((GstGhostPad*)ghostpad, appsinkpad);
eDebug("gstCBsubtitleLink:: appsink=%p, appsinkpad=%p, ghostpad=%p, link=%i", appsink, appsinkpad, ghostpad, ret);
+ else
+ {
+ GstPad *ghostpad = gst_element_get_static_pad(_this->m_gst_subtitlebin, "sink");
+ GstElement *fakesink = gst_bin_get_by_name(GST_BIN(_this->m_gst_subtitlebin), "subtitle_fakesink");
+ GstPad *fakesinkpad = gst_element_get_static_pad (fakesink, "sink");
+ int ret = gst_ghost_pad_set_target((GstGhostPad*)ghostpad, fakesinkpad);
+ eDebug("gstCBsubtitleLink:: unsupported subtitles ... throwing them into fakesink");
+ }
void eServiceMP3::pullSubtitle()
-// GstElement *appsink = gst_bin_get_by_name(GST_BIN(m_gst_subtitlebin), "subtitle_sink");
- GstElement *appsink = gst_bin_get_by_name(GST_BIN(m_gst_playbin), "subtitle_sink");
+ GstElement *appsink = gst_bin_get_by_name(GST_BIN(m_gst_subtitlebin), "subtitle_sink");
+// GstElement *appsink = gst_bin_get_by_name(GST_BIN(m_gst_playbin), "subtitle_sink");
if (appsink)
eDebug ("eServiceMP3::enableSubtitles cleared");
// }
-// gstCBsubtitleLink(m_subtitleStreams[m_currentSubtitleStream].type, this);
+ gstCBsubtitleLink(m_subtitleStreams[m_currentSubtitleStream].type, this);
m_subtitle_widget = 0;
m_subtitle_widget = new eSubtitleWidget(parent);
static void gstCBsubtitleAvail(GstElement *element, gpointer user_data);
static void gstCBsubtitleCAPS(GObject *obj, GParamSpec *pspec, gpointer user_data);
static void gstCBsubtitleLink(subtype_t type, gpointer user_data);
- GstPad* gstCreateSubtitleSink(eServiceMP3* _this, subtype_t type);
void gstPoll(const int&);
std::list<SubtitlePage> m_subtitle_pages;