2006-04-13 Felix Domkeuse refcount for decoding demuxes to check if they...
2006-04-13 Felix Domkeadd getRefCount to evaluate if a demux is in use
2006-04-13 Felix Domkefix warning
2006-04-12 Felix Domkefix double-close race
2006-04-12 Andreas Monznerfix sending of uncommitted command when no committed...
2006-04-12 Andreas Monznerfix blue screen in some conditions
2006-04-11 Andreas Monznersome logic to detect useable nims for rotor plugin
2006-04-11 Stefan Plueckendon't display blue knob till pip works properly (PIP...
2006-04-11 Stefan Plueckenfix tuner selection in positioner plugin for more than...
2006-04-11 Stefan Plueckenadd missing import
2006-04-11 Felix Domkedon't crash when there is no info
2006-04-11 Andreas Monznerfix FIXMEE :) (don't open recording filter with pid...
2006-04-11 Andreas Monznerimmediate close no more used demux fd's
2006-04-10 Stefan Plueckenmv data/skin.xml/MediaPlayer data/skin_default.xml...
2006-04-10 Stefan Plueckencatch pressing EXIT in extensions list
2006-04-10 Stefan Plueckendon't show REC symbol in infobar when timer is a 'justp...
2006-04-10 Stefan Plueckenfix instant records (timers, deleted through the timer...
2006-04-10 Stefan Plueckendon't pay attention to instant record timers, that...
2006-04-10 Stefan Plueckenset english as first language in language selection
2006-04-10 Andreas Monznerfix
2006-04-10 Felix Domkeadd destroy
2006-04-09 Felix Domkeadd: italian language, thanks to musicbob
2006-04-09 Felix Domkedisable inforbar extensions for now
2006-04-09 Felix Domkefix timer disable/reenable
2006-04-09 Felix Domkeadd destroy() for Components to fix bug #52
2006-04-09 Felix Domkeenable DMX_ADD_PID by default - you need dvb-core suppo...
2006-04-09 Felix Domkefix fd leak for recordings
2006-04-08 Felix Domkeuse new setTarget
2006-04-08 Felix Domkeuse setTarget instead of ugly 's'
2006-04-08 Felix Domkeadd dummy setTarget, add skip support
2006-04-08 Andreas Monznerfix crash when pressing play in Movieplayer
2006-04-08 Andreas Monznerwait 10 seconds before restart after crash
2006-04-08 Andreas Monznerfix
2006-04-08 Andreas Monznerfix crash when press red button in empty timerlist
2006-04-08 Stefan Plueckendecrease time between parameter calling to ensure searc...
2006-04-08 Stefan Plueckenretune after sending a diseqc command in the positioner...
2006-04-08 Felix Domkefix newline
2006-04-08 Stefan PlueckenPiP-gui support really displays a small video now ...
2006-04-08 Stefan Plueckenadd support for picture in picture into the infobar...
2006-04-08 Stefan Plueckenfeature complete positioner plugin
2006-04-08 Andreas Monznercompile fix
2006-04-08 Felix Domkeadd enigma2.pot to cvs to easy up getting current versi...
2006-04-08 Felix Domkeadd VideoWindow Component
2006-04-08 Felix Domkeadd evideo to makefile
2006-04-08 Felix Domkeadd video widget
2006-04-08 Felix Domkemake video widget usable
2006-04-08 Felix Domketheoretic support for PiP (will be fixed)
2006-04-08 Felix Domkeadd getAbsolutePosition
2006-04-08 Felix Domkeselect whether to use a primary decoder
2006-04-08 Felix Domkereserve first two demuxes for decoder
2006-04-08 Felix Domkehack to have primary and secondary decoder (for now)
2006-04-08 Felix Domketsmpegdecoder supports multiple decoders now
2006-04-07 Felix Domkefixed 'cancel when selecting service in timer crashed'
2006-04-07 Stefan Plueckenfinished the rotor config plugin (untested and lacking...
2006-04-07 Felix Domkefix cancellation of broken timer entries
2006-04-07 Felix Domkefix 'justplay' timers
2006-04-07 Stefan Plueckenadd automatic DVB-T scan
2006-04-07 Felix Domkesupport for dvb-t transponderlist
2006-04-07 Stefan Plueckendon't fake all tuners to DVB-T
2006-04-07 Stefan Plueckensome work on DVB-T
2006-04-07 Stefan Plueckenfix self.terrestrialsList
2006-04-07 Felix Domkeuse dvb-t parameters
2006-04-07 Felix Domkefix "run" for dvb-t
2006-04-07 Felix Domkefix region list for dvb-t
2006-04-07 Felix Domkefix typo
2006-04-07 Felix Domkedon't translate "", add FIXME
2006-04-07 Felix Domkefix strange translation
2006-04-06 Andreas Monznermake gcc 4.1 happy
2006-04-06 Andreas Monznerupdate clock directly onShow
2006-04-06 Andreas Monznerstop update length timer when a movie was selected
2006-04-06 Andreas Monznergive more priority to socketnotifiers(fd's) in mainloop
2006-04-06 Andreas Monznerinitialize variable
2006-04-06 Felix Domkeadd some CVS information into crashlog
2006-04-06 Stefan Plueckenfix deleting the last file from the playlist in the...
2006-04-05 Andreas Monznerfix: AttributeError: 'InfoBar' object has no attribute...
2006-04-05 Andreas Monznerdefine variable in __init__
2006-04-05 Stefan Plueckenanother positioner try
2006-04-05 Axel Buehningremove even more old lcd stuff
2006-04-05 Andreas Monznerfix setCommandString
2006-04-05 Stefan Plueckenfix menu size
2006-04-05 Stefan Plueckenrestart service after leaving the media player
2006-04-05 Stefan Plueckenuse new string concept for sending diseqc commands
2006-04-05 Stefan Plueckenfix ewidget::show() (fixes the BlinkingWidget)
2006-04-05 Stefan Plueckensome positioner setup changes for debugging purposes
2006-04-04 Andreas Monzneradd option no_rotor_command_on_tune to eDVBFrontendPara...
2006-04-04 Andreas Monznerfix
2006-04-04 Andreas Monznersmall changes
2006-04-04 Stefan Plueckensome work on the positioner setup plugin
2006-04-04 Andreas Monznerfix resourcemanager getinstance from python?
2006-04-04 Stefan Plueckenavoid future redundant code by moving functionality...
2006-04-03 Andreas Monznermove SYNC_PAINT define to right place
2006-04-03 Andreas Monznerre-add virtual thread_finished function in eThread
2006-04-03 Felix Domkeremove unwatchable services from favourites
2006-04-03 Felix Domkefollow eThread changes: mainly thread_running -> sync...
2006-04-03 Felix Domkedisplay bsod on exception
2006-04-03 Felix Domketry to fix some eThread races
2006-04-03 Felix Domkedisallow ?, *, |, <, >
2006-04-03 Felix Domkefix 4G support
2006-04-03 Felix Domkeexperimental optional DMX_ADD_PID support
2006-04-03 Andreas Monznerre-add mutex_unlock after pthread_cond_wait,