2 NOTE: you have two options when adding classes so that
3 they are callable *from* python.
5 - either you %include the header file
8 In both cases, you must #include the required
9 header file (i.e. the header file itself), otherwise
10 enigma_python_wrap.cxx won't build.
12 In case you import the whole header file,
13 please make sure that no unimportant stuff
14 is wrapped, as this makes the wrapper stuff
15 much more complex and it can probably break
16 very easily because of missing typemaps etc.
18 you could make use of dizzy macros to ensure
19 that some stuff is left out when parsed as SWIG
20 definitions, but be sure to not modify the binary
21 representation. DON'T USE #ifdef SWIG_COMPILE
22 for leaving out stuff (unless you *really* know
23 what you are doing,of course!). you WILL break it.
25 The better way (with more work) is to re-declare
26 the class. It won't be compiled, so you can
27 leave out stuff as you like.
31 Oh, things like "operator= is private in this context" etc.
32 is usually caused by not marking PSignals as immutable.
39 #include <lib/base/ebase.h>
40 #include <lib/base/smartptr.h>
41 #include <lib/base/eerror.h>
42 #include <lib/base/nconfig.h>
43 #include <lib/base/message.h>
44 #include <lib/driver/rc.h>
45 #include <lib/service/event.h>
46 #include <lib/service/iservice.h>
47 #include <lib/service/service.h>
48 #include <lib/service/servicedvb.h>
49 #include <lib/gdi/fb.h>
50 #include <lib/gdi/font.h>
51 #include <lib/gdi/gpixmap.h>
52 #include <lib/gdi/gfbdc.h>
53 #include <lib/gui/ewidget.h>
54 #include <lib/gui/elabel.h>
55 #include <lib/gui/einput.h>
56 #include <lib/gui/einputstring.h>
57 #include <lib/gui/einputnumber.h>
58 #include <lib/gui/epixmap.h>
59 #include <lib/gui/ebutton.h>
60 #include <lib/gui/ewindow.h>
61 #include <lib/gui/ewidgetdesktop.h>
62 #include <lib/gui/ewindowstyle.h>
63 #include <lib/gui/ewindowstyleskinned.h>
64 #include <lib/gui/ewidgetanimation.h>
65 #include <lib/gui/eslider.h>
66 #include <lib/gui/epositiongauge.h>
67 #include <lib/gui/evideo.h>
68 #include <lib/gui/ecanvas.h>
69 #include <lib/python/connections.h>
70 #include <lib/gui/elistbox.h>
71 #include <lib/gui/elistboxcontent.h>
72 #include <lib/gui/esubtitle.h>
73 #include <lib/service/listboxservice.h>
74 #include <lib/nav/pcore.h>
75 #include <lib/actions/action.h>
76 #include <lib/gdi/gfont.h>
77 #include <lib/gdi/epng.h>
78 #include <lib/dvb/db.h>
79 #include <lib/dvb/frontendparms.h>
80 #include <lib/dvb/idvb.h>
81 #include <lib/dvb/dvb.h>
82 #include <lib/dvb/frontend.h>
83 #include <lib/dvb/volume.h>
84 #include <lib/dvb/sec.h>
85 #include <lib/dvb/epgcache.h>
86 #include <lib/dvb/dvbtime.h>
87 #include <lib/dvb/pmt.h>
88 #include <lib/components/scan.h>
89 #include <lib/components/file_eraser.h>
90 #include <lib/driver/avswitch.h>
91 #include <lib/driver/rfmod.h>
92 #include <lib/driver/misc_options.h>
93 #include <lib/driver/etimezone.h>
94 #include <lib/gdi/lcd.h>
95 #include <lib/mmi/mmi_ui.h>
96 #include <lib/dvb_ci/dvbci.h>
97 #include <lib/dvb_ci/dvbci_ui.h>
98 #include <lib/python/python.h>
99 #include <lib/gdi/picload.h>
102 %feature("ref") iObject "$this->AddRef(); /* eDebug(\"AddRef (%s:%d)!\", __FILE__, __LINE__); */ "
103 %feature("unref") iObject "$this->Release(); /* eDebug(\"Release! %s:%d\", __FILE__, __LINE__); */ "
105 /* this magic allows smartpointer to be used as OUTPUT arguments, i.e. call-by-reference-styled return value. */
107 %define %typemap_output_simple(Type)
108 %typemap(in,numinputs=0) Type *OUTPUT ($*1_ltype temp),
109 Type &OUTPUT ($*1_ltype temp)
111 %fragment("t_out_helper"{Type},"header",
112 fragment="t_output_helper") {}
113 %typemap(argout,fragment="t_out_helper"{Type}) Type *OUTPUT, Type &OUTPUT
114 "$result = t_output_helper($result, (SWIG_NewPointerObj((void*)($1), $1_descriptor, 1)));"
117 %define %typemap_output_ptr(Type)
118 %typemap(in,numinputs=0) Type *OUTPUT ($*1_ltype temp),
119 Type &OUTPUT ($*1_ltype temp)
121 %fragment("t_out_helper"{Type},"header",
122 fragment="t_output_helper") {}
123 %typemap(argout,fragment="t_out_helper"{Type}) Type *OUTPUT, Type &OUTPUT
124 // generate None if smartpointer is NULL
125 "$result = t_output_helper($result, ((*$1) ? SWIG_NewPointerObj((void*)($1), $1_descriptor, 1) : (delete $1, Py_INCREF(Py_None), Py_None)));"
131 %include "typemaps.i"
132 %include "std_string.i"
133 %include <lib/python/swig.h>
134 %include <lib/base/object.h>
135 %include <lib/base/eerror.h>
137 %immutable eSocketNotifier::activated;
138 %include <lib/base/ebase.h>
139 %include <lib/base/smartptr.h>
140 %include <lib/service/event.h>
141 %include <lib/service/iservice.h>
142 %include <lib/service/service.h>
144 // TODO: embed these...
145 %immutable ePicLoad::PictureData;
146 %immutable eButton::selected;
147 %immutable eInput::changed;
148 %immutable eComponentScan::statusChanged;
149 %immutable eComponentScan::newService;
150 %immutable pNavigation::m_event;
151 %immutable pNavigation::m_record_event;
152 %immutable eListbox::selectionChanged;
153 %immutable eDVBCI_UI::ciStateChanged;
154 %immutable eSocket_UI::socketStateChanged;
155 %immutable eDVBResourceManager::frontendUseMaskChanged;
156 %immutable eAVSwitch::vcr_sb_notifier;
157 %immutable ePythonMessagePump::recv_msg;
158 %immutable eDVBLocalTimeHandler::m_timeUpdated;
159 %include <lib/base/message.h>
160 %include <lib/base/nconfig.h>
161 %include <lib/driver/rc.h>
162 %include <lib/gdi/fb.h>
163 %include <lib/gdi/font.h>
164 %include <lib/gdi/gpixmap.h>
165 %include <lib/gdi/gfbdc.h>
166 %include <lib/gdi/epoint.h>
167 %include <lib/gdi/erect.h>
168 %include <lib/gdi/esize.h>
169 %include <lib/gui/ewidget.h>
170 %include <lib/gui/elabel.h>
171 %include <lib/gui/einput.h>
172 %include <lib/gui/einputstring.h>
173 %include <lib/gui/einputnumber.h>
174 %include <lib/gui/epixmap.h>
175 %include <lib/gui/ecanvas.h>
176 %include <lib/gui/ebutton.h>
177 %include <lib/gui/ewindow.h>
178 %include <lib/gui/eslider.h>
179 %include <lib/gui/epositiongauge.h>
180 %include <lib/gui/ewidgetdesktop.h>
181 %include <lib/gui/elistbox.h>
182 %include <lib/gui/elistboxcontent.h>
183 %include <lib/gui/ewindowstyle.h>
184 %include <lib/gui/ewindowstyleskinned.h>
185 %include <lib/gui/ewidgetanimation.h>
186 %include <lib/gui/evideo.h>
187 %include <lib/gui/esubtitle.h>
188 %include <lib/service/listboxservice.h>
189 %include <lib/nav/pcore.h>
190 %include <lib/actions/action.h>
191 %include <lib/gdi/gfont.h>
192 %include <lib/gdi/epng.h>
193 %include <lib/dvb/volume.h>
194 %include <lib/dvb/sec.h>
195 %include <lib/dvb/epgcache.h>
196 %include <lib/dvb/frontendparms.h>
197 %include <lib/dvb/dvbtime.h>
198 %include <lib/dvb/idvb.h>
199 %include <lib/dvb/dvb.h>
200 %include <lib/dvb/frontend.h>
201 %include <lib/dvb/pmt.h>
202 %include <lib/components/scan.h>
203 %include <lib/components/file_eraser.h>
204 %include <lib/driver/avswitch.h>
205 %include <lib/driver/rfmod.h>
206 %include <lib/driver/misc_options.h>
207 %include <lib/driver/etimezone.h>
208 %include <lib/gdi/lcd.h>
209 %include <lib/mmi/mmi_ui.h>
210 %include <lib/dvb_ci/dvbci.h>
211 %include <lib/dvb_ci/dvbci_ui.h>
212 %include <lib/dvb/db.h>
213 %include <lib/python/python.h>
214 %include <lib/gdi/picload.h>
215 /************** eptr **************/
217 /************** signals **************/
219 template<class R> class PSignal0
225 %template(PSignal0V) PSignal0<void>;
227 %typemap(out) PSignal0V {
231 template<class R, class P0> class PSignal1
237 %template(PSignal1VI) PSignal1<void,int>;
238 %template(PSignal1VS) PSignal1<void,const char *c>;
240 %typemap(out) PSignal1VI {
244 %typemap(out) PSignal1VS {
248 template<class R, class P0, class P1> class PSignal2
254 %template(PSignal2VoidIRecordableServiceInt) PSignal2<void,ePtr<iRecordableService>&,int>;
256 %typemap(out) PSignal2VoidIRecordableServiceInt {
261 RESULT SwigFromPython(ePtr<gPixmap> &result, PyObject *obj)
267 #ifndef SWIGTYPE_p_ePtrT_gPixmap_t
268 #define SWIGTYPE_p_ePtrT_gPixmap_t SWIGTYPE_p_ePtrTgPixmap_t
270 if (SWIG_Python_ConvertPtr(obj, (void **)&res, SWIGTYPE_p_ePtrT_gPixmap_t, SWIG_POINTER_EXCEPTION | 0))
277 PyObject *New_eServiceReference(const eServiceReference &ref)
279 eServiceReference *result = new eServiceReference(ref);
280 return SWIG_NewPointerObj((void*)(result), SWIGTYPE_p_eServiceReference, 1);
282 PyObject *New_iRecordableServicePtr(const ePtr<iRecordableService> &ptr)
284 ePtr<iRecordableService> *result = new ePtr<iRecordableService>(ptr);
285 #ifndef SWIGTYPE_p_ePtrT_iRecordableService_t
286 #define SWIGTYPE_p_ePtrT_iRecordableService_t SWIGTYPE_p_ePtrTiRecordableService_t
288 return SWIG_NewPointerObj((void*)(result), SWIGTYPE_p_ePtrT_iRecordableService_t, 1);
292 /* needed for service groups */
294 PyObject *getBestPlayableServiceReference(const eServiceReference &bouquet_ref, const eServiceReference &ignore, bool simulate=false);
296 PyObject *getBestPlayableServiceReference(const eServiceReference &bouquet_ref, const eServiceReference &ignore, bool simulate=false)
298 eStaticServiceDVBBouquetInformation info;
299 if (info.isPlayable(bouquet_ref, ignore, simulate))
300 return New_eServiceReference(info.getPlayableService());
306 void setTunerTypePriorityOrder(int);
308 void setTunerTypePriorityOrder(int order)
310 eDVBFrontend::setTypePriorityOrder(order);
314 /************** temp *****************/
316 /* need a better place for this, i agree. */
318 extern void runMainloop();
319 extern void quitMainloop(int exit_code);
320 extern eApplication *getApplication();
321 extern int getPrevAsciiCode();
322 extern void addFont(const char *filename, const char *alias, int scale_factor, int is_replacement);
323 extern const char *getEnigmaVersionString();
324 extern void dump_malloc_stats(void);
327 extern void addFont(const char *filename, const char *alias, int scale_factor, int is_replacement);
328 extern int getPrevAsciiCode();
329 extern void runMainloop();
330 extern void quitMainloop(int exit_code);
331 extern eApplication *getApplication();
332 extern const char *getEnigmaVersionString();
333 extern void dump_malloc_stats(void);